Session 2: No Going Home

General Summary

An In-Depth Account

An announcement from Jarnin rings over the PA system: a few small fighters have engaged the Rimtreader. They shouldn't be a real threat, but Jarnin asks for all flight teams to stand by for deployment.

In the canteen, Arkesia looks worried, though the fungoid doctor Galsik sitting next to her doesn't fret. Encountering hostiles in the outer shell isn't unheard of, after all. However, by now the small pager device given to you by Vesqua is going off, and you decide to return to the docking bay to see what the fuss is about, Arkesia following a few paces behind.

Once there, Vesqua reminds you of the conspicuous transmissions she intercepted a little while earlier: originating on or around the Rimtreader, messages went out bearing an encryption key she recognized from her time working in Network Intelligence. This tidbit in conjunction with encountering hostile fighters has apparently given her a "gut feeling" that things are about to go south. She offers you a spot on her freighter, newly emptied out of freight, to escape whatever is about to happen.

This is when an eerie stillness falls over the environment, as the low hum of Rimtreader's thrusters cuts out. The lights and life support and everything else are still online, but it seems the ship has just been stunned Jarnin makes a second announcement to scramble fighters; these hostiles might be more than meets the eye.

Vivec heads off to start up Jennette's power core while the rest of the party warily accepts Vesqua's offer, although not everyone is convinced she's sharing the whole truth with them. Nonetheless, you pile into the Morning Star, surrounded by worried citizens, and Vesqua flies the ship out of the hangar. Vivec's ship Jennette follows shortly after.

On sensors, you pick up the small firefight happening between the three hostile fighters and Rimtreader's mounted cannons. Beyond that, you also detect something like a debris cloud leading in front of an enormous, solid monolith of an object. Vesqua flies you directly away from the action, and you begin to see that the smaller objects are actually thousands of tiny drone fighters converging on Tong's mothership, followed by a gargantuan forester space station, a looming shadow against the starry sky.

The constable sends one last forlorn transmission to all convoy members, ordering an evacuation of Rimtreader while she does her best to hold off the coming onslaught. At this, Vivec reluctantly pulls away and follows the Morning Star

Report Date
30 Dec 2023
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