Church of the Holy Light Organization in Ard Tala | World Anvil

Church of the Holy Light

Dorem aachet ut belimet
Sardor feriet
Amien mer corsimet
Jur mior prediamor

Against savagery and darkness
Over the affairs of humankind
In justice and mercy
May the light of law be ever watchful

The Church of the Holy Light, also called by the people the Church Provident, The Church, or simply the Light, guards the souls of the faithful across the Light Touched Lands of Ard Tala. Its priests call upon a single God, whom they venerate in four aspects: Maker; Watcher; Keeper; and Judge, expressed in four respective elements: earth; air; water; and fire.   The Church is governed from the Basilica of the Four Faces in Arnauma, where the Primarch of the Illumined Clericate has his seat.

Mythology & Lore

Jurid amiid regenathe natura.

Nature is ordered by reason and justice.
  So says the Diadromiad, the Light's holy scripture, written as three books over the first two centuries of the Present Age. Its first book tells the story of the world's creation and the early nations of humankind, as reckoned by the historians of the Illumined Clericate. Its second is a book of poetic and proverbial wisdom. Its third is a quasi-historical account of the transit of the Dark Star at the opening of the age and the people's subsequent journey into Ard Tala.
Religious, Organised Religion
Controlled Territories


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