Adventurer's Almanac in Ard Tala

Character Creation

1. Characters from Scratch

Player characters are mostly free to be created the way they would for a typical 5e game, using the race/class/background/alignment approach prescribed in the D&D Player's Handbook.

2. Player Options

3. The Process

Here I wanted an engaging process for character creation what would allow players to feel like they were part of this fantasy world and its history.   I also felt that character creation systems like the one standard to D&D tended to work backwards. They start with a character's race without providing a sense of how such an ancestry precedes a character. Then they move to character class without establishing why they would have chosen this path in the first place. The process here simply flips that approach by providing light story sketches that help situate a character within their own biography and within the world.   It can also be a way of designing a character and backstory when you're not sure where to begin, or if you feel like there are just too many options in front of you.   If you'd like to use this process to create your character, please START HERE

Travel Cycle

Adventure takes planning, and a successful journey requires preparation. The wildernesses of Ard Tala are hazardous, full of dangerous terrain and deadly creatures. The following guide will establish the basic mechanics of overland, questing travel in our game.
  1. Plan trek
  2. Survive the journey
  3. Establish base camp
  4. Adventure in site
  5. Break camp and journey back
  6. Get drunk in tavern