Cala Nalta

Cala Nalta awoke drifting alone in the inky blackness of the universe. She explored what there was, and found it lacking. Cala grew bored, so she created worlds, stars, planes, celestial bodies. Eventually She became lonely and decided to create children. She pulled pieces of herself and her worlds together to make the 12 Gods and Goddesses of Arda. She created them in pairs, each the same but each unique.     Nasta  - Cuima  (Spirit)     Nenar  - Uinen  (Water)     Harda  - Marda  (Earth)     Vilya  - Wilya  (Air)     Ancal - Sa  - Ruine  (Fire)     Ingole  - Noleme  (Magic)       She is the Goddess of Life, Death, Creation and Light.     Once all the gods/goddesses created their creatures and Cala breathed souls into them Cala realized that there was one that was missing. Perhaps the simplest, or more likely the most complicated. Cala created humans. Cala created humans with a bit of each domain. Humans are simple, yet complex. They have such short lives, but perhaps in those short few years they understand the world better for it. They are capable of great, awe inspiring humble things, but on the flip side they are capable of horrible, defiling evil acts.