Creation Mythos

Cala Nalta awoke drifting alone in the inky blackness of the universe. She explored what there was, and found it lacking. Cala grew bored, so she created worlds, stars, planes, celestial bodies. Eventually She became lonely and decided to create children. She pulled pieces of herself and her worlds together to make the 12 Gods and Goddesses of Arda. She created them in pairs, each the same but each unique.     Nasta - Cuima  (Spirit)     Nenar  - Uinen  (Water)     Harda  - Marda  (Earth)     Vilya  - Wilya  (Air)     Ancal - Sa  - Ruine  (Fire)     Ingole  - Noleme  (Magic)         Each in turn created other creatures and things to populate their world.     Nasta and Cuima created the creatures that roamed the world. With the gift of spirit that Cala gifted Nasta and Cuima they were able to bring forth living beings, they didn't create souls as that was Cala's domain, but they were gifted a small bit of her domain. Asking Cala for a bit more they created the kenku, tabaxi, Aarakocra, minotaurs, loxodon, grung, lizardfolk,Leonin and tortle races. From the smallest insect to the largest Mastodon. Each creature serves a purpose in the world. Ok maybe some are just there to annoy the others, but hey they were made for a reason.     Nenar and Uinen created the water ways and oceans of the world. Cala gifted them with the blood of life. All things need water. They created vast deep oceans, small meandering rivers, still ponds, raging storms and thundering waterfalls. With the gift of water they also created creatures in their image with a few tweaks. The merfolk, Kuo - Tao, Locathah, Triton, Vedalken.     Harda and Marda were made with the very substance the world was created with. Their domain is Earth. They created vast mountains, deep valleys, echoing canyons and underground grotto's. With the gift of earth they were able to grow the plants and trees that make up Arda. With their world and plants they chose to create the dwarves, duergar, gnomes, halflings, and giants.     Vilya and Wilya were created by the goddesses sigh when she saw that her world was missing something. Their domain is Air. As with the other elements they created tornados, shrieking winds, blissful breezes, and blistering cold winds. As they prefer to be in the air much like harda and marda prefer the earth they chose to create Dragons. They saw their creations and thought they needed a bit of help so they created the Dragonborn, but the dragonborn were not content to idle away serving Dragons. So being crafty they made the kobold, who is perfectly content helping a poor helpless dragon.     Ancal-Sa and Ruine were created with the very burning soul of the stars. Fire is their domain. They created fire, heat, and a small bit of light in the darkness. The races that they created are all Elves and Fey. All of them.... YES ALL.     Ingole and Noleme were created to bind all the other elements together. Each element makes up part of the whole, but without magic there would be nothing. You may have creatures without some elements but none without Spirit or Magic. Ingole and Noleme created the Elemental races from the very essence of the elements and magic of course. Genasi are one example.     Finally the last god/goddess the one that no one knows in the light of day. Mori, the undoing, the uncreator, undeath. He/She is the very essence of darkness. The evil that spawns in the dark of night when blood is spilled and hate fills hearts.         Once all the gods/goddesses created their creatures and Cala breathed souls into them Cala realized that there was one that was missing. Perhaps the simplest, or more likely the most complicated. Cala created humans. Cala created humans with a bit of each domain. Humans are simple, yet complex. They have such short lives, but perhaps in those short few years they understand the world better for it. They are capable of great, awe inspiring humble things, but on the flip side they are capable of horrible, defiling evil acts.