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The immense power of angels was balanced by their compassion and kindness. Beyond their propensity for goodness, there was great diversity among angels in terms of their moral and ethical sensibilities. Some were very lawful and orderly beings, ensuring that truth prevailed; others upheld the importance of freedom, choice, and creativity; while still others maintained a balance.   Likewise, it was against the nature of angels to steal from others, and angels were typically honorable and trustworthy in all their dealings. Angels were quick to vocalize their disapproval to any companions who did not act in similar manner and would seek to repair any damage done by such "misguided" peers.   Angels sought to lead by example and tried to persuade others toward righteousness without having to preach or condemn. If their goals were in direct conflict with another, they would never acquiesce. Even so, they considered violence as the last option and would never provoke a fight, desiring rather to find a peaceful solution. If angered, however, it was hard to find another kind of being in the multiverse with so intense an emotion of wrath. Their vengeance was terrifying and swift. The High Angels were created by Aur to fight and destroy the forces of Hell. This in turn enticed other gods of Ardent to try their hand at creating angels. Against fiends, they showed no mercy, and they felt no remorse when slaying an evil creature.

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