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Aur, Goddess of Ardent

Aur is the Goddess of all creation of Ardent. While Aur was in the void she saw that so much potential could be made and thought the World Ardent into existence. Molding the land with her hands and breathing out to create the air. Using the sun to see her creation revealing the hard work, the sight was so beautiful that she began to cry causing the seas to be formed. She then Crafted her children the Gods and Goddesses called the children of the starlight from her own body, who form the starlight pantheon. Members of the pantheon began to create and fill Aur's world with animals, beast, And eventually the Vran. But this masterpiece would not be left untainted, a tear in the plan opened and connecting Ardent to Hell. Hell's legions poured forth and destroyed all in their path, corrupting the land where ever they constructed their Hell Spire . Aur then crafted the High Angels. Angels of divine being and power equal to the Gods, they then spawned the celestial angels. Unlike the Pantheon their loyalty was to Aur and to their sworn duty of protecting her creations. Even with their immense might the Angels alone couldn't defeat Hell.So, Aur converged the planes in the hopes to find creatures to assist the Angels in battle. Oberon and Titania created the Fey, but they were busy with Revelry and staying in the Forrest. Torm created the Centaurs, and for a time they manged to fight off an seal a hell rift in the sea of grass. But the battles took their toll and when Tempus created the Minotaurs. But they were likely to fight other creatures of Ardent as well. Dol Arrah created the Sindorei and Elune created the Kaldorei. But Both species decided to wall themselves of from the world, other elven races found themselves running for their lives. Gond thought that making better weapons and armor could break the stalemate so he created the Dwarves. They made great weapons and armors for the Angels and Gods. But this did little to break the stalemate. But when humans came into being Aur saw an opportunity for aide. She sent Raziel to sway them to assist. But the humans turned from the offer. Except one of the humans stepped forward, a person who later would be named Ormero the Father. He pledged himself and his clan to serve, and Raziel impressed sweared him to the oath that now governs the Human(species:804bd4b0-5e7e-44bf-b672-0fa079f03252) to today. With their help now added to the forces of Ardent the hell spawn was pushed back to [Hell. Aur granted the Human long life and the purpose of sealing Ardent off from [Hell.@

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