Be'Teu (Ba-Too)

The Be'Teu are a nomadic group of ethnically native people to the continent of Varda. Some believe the Be'Teu were the original peoples of the Southern Continent, but their origins and traditions are as varied as the people themselves. Made of all manner of races, anyone is able to join the Be'Teu, if they are willing to complete the trials of their people known as the "Walk of the Sands." They are known on Varda for their ability to tame the dinosaurs of the continent, and use them as pack animals, mounts and pets. They are the sole known group able to do so.    The Be'Teu are regarded as some of the most capable and dangerous warriors in Ardicil. As prideful warriors, they held combat as the cornerstone to their culture, their individual identity, and spirit. The Be'Teu favor a strong code of honor as well, and many disputes are settled through one-on-one combat. This extended to their times as warriors, seeking out challenging monsters and creatures to fight and best as part of the "Walk of the Sands."   These days their people have been scattered to the winds, pushed to the extremes by the civilized society that has taken root in Varda. Many now act as guides and guards to the trading caravans that crisscross the continent, for they know the desert better than anyone. Some have become mercenaries, sellswords and adventurers for hire, making use of their hardy constitution and survival skills to fight other's wars for coin and profit. A select few have made their home within the cursed deserts of The Fallen Empire of Khermi, living amongst the horrors of nightmares


Shared customary codes and values

The Be'Teu view loyalty to the clan and their way in the highest regard. They are a very socialized people, where clan comes before all. Many also shun civilized society, viewing it as a weakness, and a majority of the clans call no single place their home. While made up of many different races, the Be'Teu are united by creed and code.

Common Dress code

The Be'Teu share a common affinity for light clothing and armor, keeping them both light on their feet, and protecting them from the blazing sun of the desert. The ancient craftsmen are known for crafting the rare Cortati Weave, a light chainmail similar to elven chain. The Weave allows its user protection while also remaining silent and light.
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