
Dis is the second layer of the Nine Hells, a labyrinth of canyons, sheer mountains that are filled with iron ore. There are iron roads that span through the canyons with bridges that lead over giant crevasses and dark landscapes toward the Iron City of Dis, which is ruled by an archdevil Dispater.   The City of Dis is incredibly massive. The walls, buildings, and other structures clutter the immense black metropolis and glow at the edges like heated glass. The city is a broken maze of metal ramparts built into miles of steep hillsides and shattered towers framing an endless labyrinth of twisting alleyways. The air is extremely hot and distorts with the heat as smoke rises from the streets themselves, with the occasional ash or ember drifting through the air.   Most of the buildings are built out of dark stone, climbing for many stories. The architecture is hooked to the corner as the monolithic deep reds, blacks, and grays, nothing belies an exterior that would seem to be welcoming to a traveling pack of people. At the center, visible everywhere in the city, is the Iron Tower, an impossibly colossal and unreachable[4] tower of black iron and lead that stretches for hundreds of miles into the sky before vanishing into the dark, clouded expanse. The Iron Tower is the throne of the archdevil Dispater and stands ever-vigilant over his Iron City of Dis.   City of Dis is always changing and being rebuilt in accordance with the decree of paranoid Dispater.
Plane of Existence
Location under