Kadrin Kingdoms

The Kingdoms of Kadrin is the remnants of a long ago dwarven empire that used to control not only the Kadrin mountains. Many years ago, the mountains were held by a confederation of powerful dwarven kings. As man began to rise, these monarchies were dissolved in all but name, and in their place rose democracy. In places like Gond's Basin and the Bluefort, it was achieved peacefully. However, the noble houses in Durnamnthrone had to be persuaded more focefully. Each of the local leaders now mostly handles their own negotiated region, and together they meet in Durnamnthrone on the council of kings, where decisions about the Kingdoms is made as a group.    As a whole, the kingdoms are happy to be left alone by their neighbors, instead wishing the guilds and unions to do most of the trading outwards. They very rarely interfere with their neighbors, and their neighbors know not to awaken the industrial beast in the mountains. The council is happy to collect the tithes on the trade coming in and out of their borders, and turn that profit into the benefit of their kingdoms.


The Kadrin Kingdoms is a complex system of bureaucracy and interweaving interests. Each of the four primary settlements, Durnamnthrone, Gond's Basin, Thurmburg and The Bluefort, are all mostly free to organize themselves. In response, they pay taxes towards the Kingdoms, and those funds are dispersed as needed by discretion of the Council of Kings, who are in turned elected by their principalities.    The council also establishes the Royal Army, which polices all the kingdoms. They also double as an engineering force, which maintains the underroads, the Royal Railway, and maintains the city infrastructure as well. The underdark also tends to bleed into the Kadrin mountains, and the Royal Army regularly fights off raids from the denizens below.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Power Structure
Controlled Territories