Gond's Basin

Gond's Basin is situated around a pure and flowing mountain spring in the Kadrin Peaks. It is home to a good chunk of the population that would prefer to see a sky above their heads rather than the endless polished rock of Durnamnthrone. The city is built up and around the hills and mountains, and is a crisscrossing vertical masterpiece. Tight streets weave back and forth, with wooden bridges swinging across the top connect the many taprooms and taverns. The city was built to respect the rock around, rather than digging into it.    Regular melting icebergs at the peaks of the mountains and from the waterways passing through mean that cascading waterfalls pass through, under, and over the streets. This forms a complicated system of aqueducts, canals and waterfalls. Fresh, clean, and pure drinking water is available freely here and in abundance, and most of the city has regular running water. The local denizens have used this to their advantage, and most of the city is powered by complicated water mills. This has also led to a fertile vertical farming land to expanding around the less urbanized areas. The food grown here feeds all the dwarven kingdoms of Kadrin.     Most of these places also contain vast kitchens that regularly feed the population here, for free. Food is that plentiful that most of these places give their food away, seeing no need to charge here. Most the profit is made off the alcohol and the various craftsman shops here. Many of the workers here are organized into guilds, that help operate how most of the city works through the council here. They of course answer to the council of kings in Durnamnthrone.

Points of interest

Gond's Basin is also known throughout Olorin, and their reserve Kadrin or "Kartch" whiskys are sought out by all the best bars on the continent. The basin is home to many distilleries and breweries, and tourists will often find themselves taking tours through all the cities drinkeries.   The two most famous, are the Grey Elephant, an ale house, that is build along a steep cliff. It is several stacked patios, each overlapping the other. They boast to have all 300 different Kadrin Brews on tap, and many are kept freshly replinished by their own aqueduct system to and from the product sites.   The other, known as "The Reserve" is a massive whisky lounge. This building is mostly interior, and hosts great banquet halls and private lounges connected by a complex series of tunnels built through the rock. Some of these various lounges can hold all manner of different themes. Some might be a hot spring, a sauna and a relaxing parlor, others might be gambling halls the size of a small theater.
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Owning Organization