Knights of the Grail

The story of the Knights of the Grail begins in legend and myth. Long ago, a paladin named Sir Leo the Wanderer received a vision from the gods, a vestige of great importance had been lost to time and evil. The vestige was a powerful magical object, with the rumored ability to create life itself. It was called the Grail of Light. Sir Leo began his journey that almost his entire life, traveling from one end of Ardicil to the other. For there are many places far from the Kingdoms of Arden that know the tail of the wandering knight. When he finally wrested the Grail from a trio of dragons, Sir Leo the Wanderer returned with his surviving band of fellow knights to found the Knights of the Grail, whose duty was to protect the Grail and Arden itself. Each returning Knight founded their own specific order.   Red Order   Founded by Sir Rodrick the Zealot, the red order has dedicated itself to law and order, as well as the protection of the kingdoms of Arden as a whole. They are by far some of the most aggressive and violent of the Orders. Common folk are wary of the Red, calling them Blood Knights. They are the most likely to clash with other Knights of the Grail in the field, who might view the Red Knight's brutality and zealotry as excessive. Paladins of this order often take the Oath of Conquest, Vengeance, Crown, and occasionally Glory.   Green Order   Founded by Sir Gareth the Kind, the Green order works within the realms of nature and especially protects the peasantry and the common folk around Arden. Nicknamed Flower Knights, they are rarely seen in the cities and even rarer still do you see a Green Knight in the service of a lord. Paladins in this order often take the Oath of the Ancients, Redemption, and occasionally Watcher.   Blue Order   Founded by Sir Boros the Ghost, the blue knights are the most mysterious of all the Grail orders. They are also the most rare, as a Blue Knight is seen maybe once in a decade on average, emerging from the mists to turn the tide of a battle to a different side with no warning, and then disappearing as quickly as they have come. Blue Knights have often been known to show up on a lord's doorstep during a great festival or celebration, bringing with them whispers of the future or omens to come. Blue Knights are known to take many of the paladin oaths.   Yellow Order   Founded by Yara the River, Members of the Yellow Order are the diplomats and negotiators of the Grail Knights. Very rarely will you see a Yellow Knight draw his blade, and they are as rare as the Green and Blue Knights, only emerging in times of great strife, where a more delicate touch is needed to save the wider whole. They are often found in conflict with the Red and Purple orders.   Purple Order   The Purple Knights, also known as the Royal Knights, or the Glorious Protectors, the Purple Order will rarely emerge from their role as the guardians of holy sites. The Purple Order was founded by Saint Rogal  . When they do, it is usually to protect someone of great importance to the protection of the Grail. The person in question may not even know what their role is to play, and could be anyone from a High King, to a lowly peasant. The Purple Knights leave as soon as their protectorate completes whatever task they were meant to.   Black Order   Founded by Elizabeta the Grim, black knights are rare and dangerous. Their order is dedicated to the hunting of great and terrible monsters that prey upon the innocents of the world. However, some are seen as aloof and cold, who care more about the slaying of the monster than truly helping the people the monster terrorized. Many of the Knights who take the black take Oaths of Vengeance, Watchers, and Conquest.

          Life of a Grail Knight

The journey of a Grail knight begins at the call to service, when an aspiring knight is called away by either a deity, a vision, or some other life changing event. From here, the knight is tested, and sent on a grand quest in order to prove their ability. They give up all titles, lands, and claims in order to fulfill their pledge. Quests can range from retrieval of a sacred artifact or magical item, to slaying a powerful beast that terrorizes the land. Some quests keep the knight within the boundaries of the Kingdoms of Arden, others have the Knight venturing to Varda, and even the eye of terror itself. Upon completion on their quest, the Knight is approached by other Knights of the Grail, usually of the order they are destined for. Rarely, a knight will have the choice between several orders, often approached by a representative of each.   Once becoming a member, their duties depend on many different factors. Knights operate mostly independent of each other, and even their Orders have no clear structure.
Military, Knightly Order