Saint Rogal the Purple

(a.k.a. The Firehammer)

Champion to Gond, The Wonderbringer , Rogal the Firehammer was said to be instrumental in not only crafting many of the divine weapons and artifacts. He has taken root in many cultures, especially fortresses as he is now considered a Saint of Protection and Fortification. It is rumored that the Saint Rogal was so clever and intelligent a builder, that he could design a maze that even a minotaur could not escape.     The origin of Saint Rogal is widely disputed, as some claim the great hero was born somewhere in the Lands of Arden  and was a Knight of the Grail , while others claims he hailed from the Great Grass Sea, and even more claim his origin in creating the forges of Khar Darom. Whatever his origin, St. Rogal has made a profound impact on the rest of Ardicil, and often finds himself being worshipped by those who seek to become great craftsmen.
Divine Classification