Orana Teaflower

A halfling historian from Compita, Orana Teaflower was elected to the Twelve due to her wide knowledge of the history of Ardicil. As head of the Sphere of Ancient knowledge, she works closely alongside Alexander Petras and the Sphere of Arcana studying the history of the War of Divinity and the Sundering.      Teaflower is also a shrewd politician and schemer, coming from an extremely wealthy and charismatic merchant family in Compita. While her passion may be in history, she knows her people rely on her shrewdness as a politician to keep the needs of Compita equal to those around the region of Straatos. As head of the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge, she also has resources over the Hall of Erudition, a massive library that is only rivaled by few others around all of Ardicil.
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