
The Crossroads between the Three Sisters, the city of Compita has established itself as a trading hub between the three powerful nations. The accommodates heavy traffic through its winding streets, serving noble diplomats, countless trade caravans, and rushing messengers from all across the Three Sisters. The city's ruling class is comprised of powerful merchant lords and ladies who oversee the guilds that control the markets throughout the city.   The city is technically under the influence of Straatos as its city state, choosing to enjoy the free trading agreements with the wealthy Straatosi markets, as well as having a say in Straatos politics with their own elected official to the Twelve, Orana Teaflower.   Crime has also taken root in the city of Compita, with The Road having a firm hold on the city's underworld. They've been using the merchant lords and ladies to buy out influence around the city, and have started to spread their presence throughout the Three Sisters as well from this well connected city.
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