Savian Ashgrove

Grew up in The Ridges of Fasaryr Harbor but would often visit his grandfather who lived in the outskirts of The Pearlstreets. He never met his father and his mother was a weaver who practiced card reading as a hobby. As a baby, Savian fell gravely ill and his mother took him to the nearest clerics. She pleaded with the clerics to save his life. They struggled to find a cure for his illness and their spells had no effect on him. A mysterious woman offered to cure him but warned there may be costs. His hair grew white but aside from that he had a normal childhood until he started to show signs of magical talent.   Aside from now having magic, he began seeing a shadowy figure at random times throughout his life starting at this moment. He was enrolled in the Luna Academy as soon as he was able to join, his grandfather, a wealthy merchant, helped his family afford the great expense. As a celebration gift for getting into the academy, his mother got him a deck of enchanted tarot cards that she had designed herself. Although he didn't care much for the art of tarot reading, he loved the illustrations on them. Once he learned how to channel his magic through the cards, he never went anywhere without them.   Savian struggled with some aspects of spellcasting but was always a curious mind and was always looking to learn more. He was also a bit of a trouble maker, often getting himself stuck in difficult positions. His usual accomplices were his two closest friends, humans by the name of Navin and Harun. Navin came from a higher noble family and was usually very reserved. Savian took a liking to him and did his best to help him come out of his shell, dragging him into his misadventures. He was a thin boy with pale skin and wavy black hair that went to his shoulders. Harun was a scrappy boy with a muscular build and tanned skin with messy brown hair. He was very hot headed and never turned down a fight or adventure. He was the adopted son of one of the female professors at the school but the professor was very committed to his job and research so Harun would often act out to get attention.   When he was 16 a fight broke out with Savian’s group and another because he had been flirting with a girl who already had a boyfriend. While the fight was going on, Savian lost control of his abilities and the shadows of his opponents turned against them. He nearly killed the students and Savian was unable to stop them. Luckily Harun’s mom interfered and was able to stop the shadows.   He was placed under the supervision of a specialized wizard that was studying properties similar to Savian's magic. The wizard was a high elf by the name of Naedan Wildguard who recently made a big name for himself within the wizarding community. While he was in town for a few days he had heard about the incident. Seeing some potential in Savian, he made him the offer to become his apprentice. At first Savian’s mother was against him leaving but she reluctantly allowed him to go, realizing an opportunity like this would be hard to come by after the incident. He is usually away from home for long stretches but visits whenever he has the opportunity, usually twice a year.   Savian spent the next 5 years as Naedan’s apprentice, working as his scribe and companion for their more dangerous ventures. One of the most difficult challenges for Naedan was teaching Savian how to be patient and think things through before acting. Wherever they went, and no matter how busy they were, Savian always made a point to at least spend one night exploring the nightlife of the town and live the life of a depotorous debonair, much to Naedan’s discontent.   A trait the both of them shared was their inability to rest when they were cracking a problem. Savian would obsess over problems they would tackle together and loved the thrill making a breakthrough or getting to the root of an issue. Although Savian still required sleep, Neadan would spend his meditation time going over equations, runes, and possible solutions. Whenever needed, Savian was usually the one who would go through the town and talk to the locals, collecting their experiences and any information they could give. This was usually a challenge for Neadan because he was a very blunt person and would rather spend his time going through tomes and books.   At the end of his apprenticeship he worked towards becoming an acolyte of the illuminated assembly. Once he was able to prove himself he began taking on assignments that allowed him to travel. He would always go for the most dangerous ones that they would allow him to go on. Around this time he began his investigation to find the answers to where his powers came from, pouring over any sources available on shadow magic, though never finding any solid information. Whenever Neadan had a new assignment coming up he would always check on Savian’s availability and would work together whenever possible.   About a year ago members of the illuminated assembly began to disappear. The assembly was coming up short on solutions until they tracked the last known location of a member that disappeared. They discovered that the energy signatures of the area were similar to the flavor of magic that Savian used. They interrogated him but quickly determined he had nothing to do with them. Although he was terrified about members of the assembly going missing, he was glad to finally have a starting point in learning where his powers came from.He made a plan with Neadan and they agreed to split up and check on the locations where the energy was coming from. When he reached the spot, his form of dread manifested and the shadows moved once again, beyond his control, this time enveloping his whole body and wrapping itself around him before he passed out, waking up an hour later. Neadan never came back and had not been heard from in about a month. Savian is now on his way to Straatos, which was Neadan’s destination and last known location. Savian is now more determined than ever to find out what is happening and where his mentor went.
Aligned Organization