Fasaryr Harbor

Fasaryr Harbor has long been a hub of learning and science. The sight of skyships is no new sight here, and the average commoner is educated and learned, and this is by no means accident. Schooling and education is an integral part of the culture around Farasyr Harbor. The streets of the Harbor are safe and rich with music and culture, they have made most of their money through lucrative shipping lanes passing through the Eastern and Western continents. The people of Fasaryr Harbor are notoriously open and accepting of all manner of types of people, and thus there is a significant amount of the races created by the dark deities who found a new home in the Harbor.   While situated around the Gulf of Plenty, Fasaryr is built around the Bay of Ja'Mond. Within the city are around a hundred tall, multi-level spires. Many buildings have pointed rooftops and colorful murals. The city is draped in multicolored cloth that hang across the buildings and red cobblestone streets. The streets are packed with buskers, performers and all manner of traveling vendors manning their carts. The metropolis is located in a relatively temperate location, and the weather is pleasant most times of the year.   The city has a massive wall protecting its outskirts, a relic of a bygone era from when the Khermi empire ruled over most of the southern continent. Fasaryr harbor was able to withstand the influence of the ancient empire through shrewd politics, and the sheer struggle of sieging the city itself. This is not to say the Khermi did not try, for over a year the city was under siege by the ancient empire. Yet, the pearl of the Golden Coast stood strong, and through the assistance of altruistic smugglers, and the capabilities of powerful magic users, the city of Fasaryr Harbor was one of few who were able to resist the great empire.


Fasaryr Harbor is the known as the Pearl of the Golden Coast, and the capitol of the Musara Concord. It is ruled by the wise and fair Samarra Al-Farrari , a former adventuring bard of some renown. However, one man cannot rule a metropolis alone, and the Sultan is assisted by a series of ministries, staffed by an army of bureaucrats. These cogs keep the metropolis of Fasaryr Harbor running on a day to day basis.


Fasaryr Harbor is mostly organized into a series of different neighborhoods.   Docklight is the center for incoming and outgoing ships, and is packed with warehouses and shipbuilding workshops. This district is located along the shores of the Gulf of Plenty.   The of Bay of Ja'Mond is home to now, a series of overlapping floating buildings crisscrossed with canals to navigate through them. This neighborhood is called the Fossas District. These makeshift buildings floating on the gulf have been a recent invention, in order to build up, rather than out.   The Shrine District is located just north of the Bay of Ja'Mond and consists of a robust series of temples and religious strongholds that have been there for many a century. It is by far the smallest of the districts, but during times of celebration this neighborhood comes alight with festivals and holiday excitement.   To the northeast of the city lies the Ridges, known for its sprawling residential housing standing six to seven stories tall.   The Pearlstreets is home to the Sultan and the royal family of Fasaryr harbor, and is located in the center of the metropolis. Opulent palaces and royal manses line the streets here, home to wealthy merchant families, powerful magi, and well-connected influential figures. It is also home to the bardic college known as Yadu College. There is also a renowned magical school known as the Luna Academy that is located here.   The Turndowns consist of the largest collection of hotels and inns in the city, as well as many theaters, drinking halls, and hashish houses for celebration. Many tourists and incoming ship crews will come this way, looking for the famed silk houses and casinos that tower up to ten stories tall in the Turndowns.
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