Talos, The Stormlord

Where thunder booms and conflict rises, prayers to the Storm Lord are shouted into the maelstrom. Reveling in all tests of strength, Talos blesses those who prove themselves on the battlefield. Worshiped by athletes and warriors all across Ardicil, he exalts those whose force of spirit and desire for victory call his attention. He brings tumultuous storms over land and sea, and those who wish for clearer skies offer their praises and prayers to appease him.    Talos dwells among the roving settlements and battlefields where struggle, victory, and celebration shape the landscape and those who reside there. Although Talos is a popular deity, his name is invoked more often out of fear than out of reverence. He is a temperamental and aloof god, with a fury like none other. It is said many a vengeance paladin has dedicated themselves to Talos, calling upon his destructive power to wipe the slate clean and start anew.    Talos is portrayed as a broad-shouldered, bearded young man with a single good eye, the other covered by a dark patch. He is said to carry a collection of three staffs, made from the first tree cut down in the world, the first silver smelted, and the first iron forged. He uses these staffs to raise destructive winds, cause terrible storms, and split the land in acts of rage. The three lightning bolts of his holy symbol represent these staffs, and when he vents his wrath on the world, he is thought to hurl them down from the sky as lightning strike.   Talos sided with the Lost Gods, and tried to wrest control of the material plane from the Prime Deities. He saw the conflict and rise of the elementals as their mistake, something that could be writing by starting anew. When he saw the creation of the Abyss, and the Betrayer Gods plans, Talos realized his folly. He was the first to join the prime dieties, taking the fight directly to Myrkul. He earned back the respect of his fellow gods, but he still holds the shame of being lost.    Talos dwells among the roving settlements and battlefields within the rugged and glorious realm of Ysgard, where struggle, victory, and celebration shape the landscape and those who reside there.

Divine Domains

Storms and battle
Divine Classification

Articles under Talos, The Stormlord