Brotherhood of the Maelstrom

The brothers are a blind hooded following of priests who serve the Stormlord, Talos. They are ever loyal, and maintain the temple of Talos in the world of Ardicil, as well as helping train Clerics, Paladins, Monks, and even Rangers. These servants work to not only worship Talos, but also protect the world from threats existing on other planes. Thus, the order trains Horizon Walkers, Paladins who take either the Oath of Vengeance or Devotion, Monks who practice the Way of the Four Elements or Kensei, and War or Tempest clerics. There are even a handful of Storm Sorcerers. While originating from Hedmar, this sect is one of the largest in the known world. They operate mostly independent from their fellow chapters in the world, and the upper echelons of their order are extremely secretive.

We are the Fury of the Storm

Religious, Holy Order