Tempurus, the Time Keeper

By far the most mysterious and aloof of every diety, Tempurus holds domain over the shifting sands of time. Very little is known about the god, and prayers to the deity often go unheard. It is very rare to find one dedicated to the Time Keeper, and even rarer still to find a place of worship for the deity. For Tempurus needs no places of worship, nor ardent supporter. Only when one might seem to manipulate time and its passing does Tempurus ever intervene, and even then he does so without any fanfare. The Time Keeper seeks no recognition, sending his agents to quickly and quietly deal with anyone who might challenge their domain.     Some claim that Tempurus was once a Titan, who betrayed his fellow titans in order to give the deities a chance, and secure his own safety. It is said Temprurus knowledge has begun to dwindle since the fall of Zaridun, The Changer of Ways. It is said that the Changer of Ways' madness has forever altered the future and it partially why the Changer of Ways was driven to madness in the first place.    Tempurus was the creator of the Sphinxs, who act as his eyes and ears on the material plane.    Tempurus is thought to occupy the realm of Mechanus.

Divine Domains

Time, Order
Divine Classification