The Fateweaver

Also known as the Oracle, the Fateweaver is a creation made long ago by Ioun, The All-Knowing and Zaridun, The Changer of Ways. Back when those alive remember the two as twins, not as mortal enemies. It is believed the Fateweaver to be the guide of destiny, something the gods cannot even truly understand. However, this has driven the Fateweaver mad, speaking only in riddles, and unable to see the future in front of it.   The Fateweaver's right head sees possible futures as clear as day. No scheme is hidden from its sight and the infinite possibilities of tomorrow crystallise into irrefutable fact. the Oracle's left head sees the past without the petty colourations of subjective perspective and bias. Past and future pulse through a body shrivelled and twisted by its passage through the Well of Eternity. Valuable as this vision is, it comes with a heavy cost. Both of the Fateweavers' heads are blind to the present; he cannot see time as it passes -- only events that are to come or whose time has already lapsed.
Divine Classification
Demon Lord
Chaotic Neutral