Torog, The Banished Queen

Torog represents a great many things. Her initial creation was dedicated to that of order, hierarchies, and structure. She evolved to become a bloodthirsty mistress who sought the furry of battle and the shedding of blood of all else. She also grew to welcome pain into her domain of power, sending her to a darker path that lead her to become a betrayer.   The pain that one feels is proof of the Lady’s attention, and so to does the creation of chaos and bloodshed. There is honor in facing ones foes and fears, and Torog will reward them for doing so. Pain is also a path to power, in terms of both one’s ability to inflict it and one’s ability to endure it. Torog steps upon the weak and uses pain to stay at the top.    Though temples to Torog are rare, her faithful are more numerous than might be expected. Torog is the chosen deity of those who inflict pain as a matter of course, including torturers and others who need to break the will of their victims. She is the champion of murderers, and sadistic warriors who could not garner the favor of more passive of gods. Where those warriors who dedicate themselves to Bahamut or Talos see violence as a means to an end, those dedicated to Torog seek violence for violence's sake. She is favored by sadists and masochists, and some of her followers form cultish cells of secret adherents. Each of these groups is led by someone who takes pleasure in administering pain and dominating others, supported and backed up by a number of submissive sycophants, or by a ruthless warrior and his fellow death cult.   She is also supported by the heads of oppressive regimes, seeking to keep their people in line by fear, and not fairness or love. Some view her as a neccessary evil, important into keeping the "rabble" in line.  
Worshipers of Torog rarely gather in numbers except in the more populous cities. When small cadres of faithful operate quietly in such places, few citizens take notice. The sufferers who endure the lash, however, aren’t always willing participants, and Torog’s cults sometimes operate secret slavery rings, which can draw the attention of the authorities. The worst case is when a murder cult forms, committing sacrificial killings in the name of their goddess. These usually garner the intervention by specialized paladin or cleric orders. The open worship of Torog and temples clearly dedicated to her are rarely seen except in lands where slavery, brutality and ritual combat exists regularly in the open.
Torog remains banished within the abyss like her traitor gods. Hers is the Throne of Blood, where the most bloodthirsty creatures and demon lords come to serve their Demon Queen. She claims blood and skulls and relishes in the pain caused by both. The forces of Torog spend the most time fighting the devils of Avernus, relishing in the violence and carnage that takes place.

Divine Domains

Pain, Torturers, Slavers
Divine Classification