
The Triarchy is the true power behind Lys and is run by three adult dragons, who established the city several centuries ago as young dragons. The three include:    
  • A Green Dragon, who disguised himself for centuries as an oligarch of the city and overthrew the blue dragon who originally held the power. Malystryx was a distant relative and claims that the rightful seat is theirs.
  • A Bronze Dragon, who was twisted and corrupt. The Sapphire dragon holds an iron fist over many of the military forces and mercenaries that are hired out of the island. 
  • A Red Dragon, the oldest of the group who controls some of the most powerful mining and industry guilds. 
  Each of the dragons controls their own faction of power within the city, and are constantly pitting the various guilds and oligarchs against each other. Together, all three factions likely have the power to take the power from the dragons, however the careful dance of two faced politics keeps the status quo.
Government, Leadership
Government System
Controlled Territories