William Tarbeck

William Tarbeck is the headstrong, stubborn, and capable leader of the providence of Sarsfield. Tarbeck is a brilliant strategist, and known for his exploits against the tribes in the North, as well as pirates on the sea. His skill with weapons is also impressive, however with age he has slowed. Since settling into his role as a governor, Tarbeck has had somewhat of a struggle maintaining the peace over the feuding families under his watch. His favoritism towards the Cuy family has often been called out by many other families, but William has very little patience for petty politics.    In recent years he's allowed his younger brother to take the reins on more local politics, while William shuts himself off with the military regiments, preferring to help train and maintain the city watch. There are many say he lost his patience for the smaller politics when his wife passed away two years ago suddenly to disease.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

William Tarbeck is a well-built man, with balding grey hair on the top of his head. He has dark blue eyes, that look far deeper into what than is in front of him. He has a stern jaw, adorned by a grey bushy beard that seems well-trimmed.  William stands over six feet tall, with broad shoulders. He moves stiffly and regimented, and still has trouble speaking in non-military terms.

Apparel & Accessories

William in Tarbeck is usually seen in regal, but functional attire. He rarely wears bright colors, in stead preferring dark greens and blues.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of Sarsfield
Late 50s
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations