
The agricultural center for Alton, Sarsfield is filled with lush fields and countless ranches. The land is peaceful and quiet(relative to the rest of the world), with the Tarbeck family ruling from their hilltop castle. The lands themselves are managed by rival ranchers, who are often at odds at each other. The peace is kept by the Tarbecks and the large temple of Chauntea that finds its home in the Tarbeck's town center. The Temple produces a majority of the paladins, clerics and even some monks that call Alton home.   Sarsfield itself acts as a meeting point and beating heart of the local farms and ranches. Markets and temples intermix with white sandstone buildings. Wine houses and taverns fill the streets with music at night, providing shelter for many a weary traveler who are passing from one part of Alton to another. At the center of the town lies the great temple of Chauntea which doubles as a school for paladins and clerics alike. At the north end of town, the Tarbeck keep stands high above all. Enough to house and feed over 100 servants and family members, the Tarbecks are one of the wealthiest families in the land of Alton.     The surrounding fields and ranches around Sarsfield are wide and sweeping. The law is upheld by Alton militia in conjunction with the paladins and clerics from the temple of Chauntea. The ranches are headed by the local noble families who serve at the pleasure of the Tarbecks. There are five families that directly serve the Tarbecks out of their small keeps or manors.   • Yelshire   • Lowther   • Kidwell   • Cuy   • Hastwyk   While a good majority of food comes Greensburg, the rest in Alton comes from here in Sarsfield's farms. Meandering paths also wind through the ranches and rolling hills. While it is mostly peaceful the occasional assault from the underdark in the mountains is always a looming threat.


The majority of Sarsfield is made up of mostly farmers and ranchers. Merchants and vendors are also common in the land, but are most likely passing through to other parts of Alton or Parvus, rather than permanent residents. The militia here is very minimal, and most are sent to other parts of Alton where they are needed, while the paladins part of the Order of the Golden Flower  carry out local law enforcement and peace keeping on occasion.


The town of Sarsfield has been overseen by a member of the Tarbeck family as their duke. Currently the position by William Tarbeck, who has served faithfully in the Alliance Army for a majority of his life. While usually the oldest Tarbeck son takes the Duke's place on their retirement, it seems like the second oldest, Michael Tarbeck, is more likely to inherit his father's position, with the eldest Tarbeck finding more interest in the magic and study of the Arcana with the Illuminated Assembly than governing his family's ancestral lands. Some claim he was swooned by the older sister of Grim Graycastle who also left her position to study on the Isle of Winds as well.    But Michael is still young, and there are rumors that if William dies before his son is ready for leadership, that the head of house Kidwell may serve as a regent. Many believe if this happens, it may mean that the Kidwell's will be hard pressed to give up power.

Guilds and Factions

Order of the Golden Flower   A religious order dedicated to the worship of Chauntea, the Order of the Golden Flower calls Sarsfield home. It is here they train and headquarter their order. They maintain chapters all over Alton, Greensburg, and the Three Sisters. They also maintain a much smaller presence all over the world, but it is much less influential than in the previous three regions. They are mostly made up of paladins that take up Oaths of Redemption, and Devotion. While their Clerics work in either the Life or Light domains, and the occasional monk will train under Sun Soul or Open Hand traditions. They often serve as arbiters of peace and compromise in the lands that they serve in, and protect the local lands from evil creatures.


Sarsfield is surrounded by a beautiful and spacious land. In the spring and summer, the fields are a vibrant and deep green, lush with life. In the fall and winter, the hills and fields are golden and beautiful. The weather is temperate and warm. Small ranches, barns and homesteads spot the local area, and on the top of Tarbeck hill lies the town of Sarsfield. A small stopping point in the center of the farms and ranches, Sarsfield is a town built in a white stone with red slated roofs. Only a handful of Sarsfield farmers live in the town center. Mostly the town is home to merchants and traders, and the keepers of the Temple of Chauntea.
Large town
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Religion:   The greatest amount of worship here is devoted to Chauntea. However there are also significant followings of Waukeen, Tyr and Tymora.

Articles under Sarsfield