Zehir, the Cloaked Serpent

Zehir is a lesser known deity to most. Zehir's origin is that of the War of Arcanum. Once a powerful Slann, Zehir had tried in a last ditch effort to win against the enclosing divinity, activated a ritual that shattered the divine gate. Zehir in his current form was shattered, but Zaridun, The Changer of Ways rewarded the Saurian magi with power and turned him into a servant of his own. Zehir then created the Yuan-Ti, a twisted vision of his own future of the Saurian people. Those small enclaves of Saurians that remained viewed Zehir and his creations as twisted abominations, and have made it their mission to hunt down and erase every trace of their existence.   Bitter, venomous and tortured by the servitude to an entity that he once fought, Zehir betrayed Tzeentch, stabbing him in the back as they fought followers of Tyr, the Watcher and Chauntea, The Great Mother. Tzeentch was broken, and the Cloaked Serpent was banished as well.   Now his twisted Yuan-Ti remain, trying to find rituals and way to bring back their creator. Zehir now has become somewhat a patron of assassins and poisons, as well as those who hate the gods with a firey passion.   The tenets of Zehir's religion are largely related to the sowing of chaos. He believes that to keep your acts obfuscated and secret is the greatest means of success. He commands that his followers strike quickly and without reason, and blind the target with their own confusion. He commands his followers kill slowly, agonizingly, or worse, make them enjoy it.
Divine Classification
Lesser Idol
Chaotic Evil