Arinna Healer


A Speller and Healer of renown who treated Princess Dianna Beth in her infancy, and would serve as a central tutor to the princess and a sage to the mediciners of Revelback.   By the time she reached majority, Arinna was already praised in Arjhed for her ability, but her common heritage prevented her from attaining a station that she felt was commensurate with her talents. At two-and-twenty, Arinna was invited to Revelback to help the firstborn daughter of King Bethraal I and Queen Pallas. It was clearly the opportunity she had been waiting for, and she would serve as a speller, counselor, healer, and teacher there for the rest of her life.   In addition to helping the young princess through a precarious infancy, Arinna brought many vital medical advancements to Revellia from Urudun, chief among them the boiling of water. Leante leachers were still cleaning wounds with boiling oil, which could cauterize torn flesh but otherwise did more harm than good. Worse still, few if any knew how to properly clean their instruments. Arinna's detractors would claim that she called the Revellians "filthy savages," saying it was fitting their lords' sigil was a pig, "rutting in its own offal." She famous retorted that, not only had she never made such statements, but that the swine is a famously clean animal. She supposedly uttered this witty defense in the King's presence, eliciting a smile and tempered applause from the largely humorless monarch.   It has been said by both the wise and foolish that the most learned among us oft have trouble following their own advice. Arinna was uniquely adept at teaching others how best to maintain their health, but she was a notorious drinker and glutton. She collapsed at the age of six-and-forty, seizing at her heart and demanding a student of hers named Clauda assist her. Clauda was outside the castle at the time, but three of Arinna's students came to her aid. Supposedly, she tried to instruct them on how to relieve her, striking them and cursing their clumsy fingers and ignorant minds, until finally her breath gave out. There was brief talk of interring her in the royal crypt, an honor extended only to Penny the Wise in 873, back when Clan Ainros ruled and the royal crypts were in Aerwoth. Ultimately, she was given a commoner's burial, to the immense satisfaction of her envious detractors.
5022 5068 46 years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Character Portrait image: by JD Medaeris with Portrait Workshop