Conspiracy at Queenspoint Military Conflict in Ardre | World Anvil

Conspiracy at Queenspoint

A minor conflict in which several Revellian lords were implicated in a conspiracy to fund bandits in the Faemire near Queenspoint. Clans Odon, Slabh, Luun, Maraigh, and Haust were all accused. All but Clan Haust managed to exonerate themselves in some fashion. Clan Haust would lose significant lands and taxes to their overlords Clan Graunt, and even gave up several of their family members to execution.   Most particular among the exonerated was Lord Rodraigh Luun, who challenged Prince Bennerog the Black Boar to hollymock to defend his honor. The Prince fell deathly ill on the day of the battle, but was still willing to fight. Lord Rodraigh felt it was shameful to face the Prince in such a condition, however, and prevailed upon the other lords to find some other way to settle the matter. In the end, he gave up his second son Benraigh (who had been named in honor of Prince Bennerog) to serve as a page at Revelback, as a ward to the Prince and his second wife Princess Helessa.
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Ending Date

Cover image: by Anthony Roberts