Imperial Army of Zalja

Zalja's Imperial Army falls under the direct command of the Holy Khan. It is divided chiefly into three sections: the Command, the Reserve, and the Conscripts.   The Command are career soldiers who occupy positions of leadership. Typically drawn from the nobility, the Command spend their lives planning defense, researching new military applications for existing information (most notably visrite), and training future leadership.   The Reserve are in many ways career soldiers as well. They continue to train militarily during times of peace, but are allowed to pursue other activities in their spare time. Most special military occupations fall under this heading, as well as low-level leadership.   Conscripts are, of course, conscripted soldiers. Most Conscripts are infantry soldiers, but special roles can be filled by veterans and those who display special skills.   The Holy Qhaganate of Zalja has not been an empire for many centuries, but the Imperial Army retains the name from its traditional incarnation. This is largely seen as honoring the first emperor, Adamai Yrsif. In fact, the full official title is Adamai the Divine's Imperial Army of the Zaljan Nation. It has been argued that the Imperial Army's primary purpose has always been to solidify military power under a single ruler, greatly limiting the independent power of the various provinces. This has proved enormously effective: the Holy Qhaganate has not experienced a single civil war or major rebellion since its creation.   Nevertheless, there are those who seek some level of military independence from the Khan's hegemonic authority. This is achieved via the institute of paladin, holy warriors who swear an oath to the Solulan and operate independently from the Imperial Army. Paladin can still work as part of the army on a case-by-case basis, based on mutual agreement, but their only obligation is to the Solulan, and that obligation can often amount to nothing more than a tenuous edict to "do good." As such, some paladin have been used as centralized armies to achieve the individual ends of powerful people other than the Khan.
Military, Army
Leader Title
Parent Organization