Luxx Sewers Building / Landmark in Ardre | World Anvil

Luxx Sewers

Also called the Drains and the Unders, the Luxx Sewers are the most complex and advanced drainage system to be found in the entirety of southern Milos. Found beneath Revelback, the Drains are an integral part of the city's success, being several miles away from a coast or even river. In addition to draining waste away from the city, the Luxx also provides wellwater from the River Realta to the north.   The origins of the Luxx are unknown, but it is widely assumed they were installed by the Viisianars when the land was under the rule of the Old Orckid Empire. Why no such system was installed in other major settlements is unknown, though most assume similar sewers once existed in the north before being destroyed by warfare.   Most of the piping for the Drains is constructed of brumestone, though some are built of lead, iron, and even clay. All the pipes are absolutely covered in graven wards and glyphs, most of which are utterly incomprehensible to modern speller.   The Luxx is widely thought to be named after Uxxiol, the King of Tears, an ancient figure of the Deinain.
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Cover image: by JD Medaeris with Armoria