Magnar Maan Character in Ardre | World Anvil

Magnar Maan

Chief of Stores under Bethraal II

Lord Magnar Maan

Chief of Clan Maan and Lord of Miller's Range. Lord Magnar is also the Chief of Stores under Bethraal II.   Magnar was conceived "just in time" he would say, the night before his father Lord Modred Maan rode to fight in the Fourth Brothers Rebellion, where he would die fighting for Prince Bethraal. Magnar was the youngest of seven children that survived to majority, having two elder brothers and four elder sisters. His firstborn brother Morrek was a sixteen-year-old knight when the war ended in 86 NA, and returned with honors and pillage, ready to take hold of the clan and continue his father's legacy as he understood it. The children's mother, Lady Ethlinn Uirlis, had other ideas.   A remarkably formidable woman, Lady Ethlinn would rule over Miller's Range until Sir Morrek was almost twenty, and continued to exert great control over the region after finally conceding the chiefdom to her firstborn son. Having been 'henpecked by his own mother,' Lord Morrek was greatly disrespected by his peasants, frequently called "Morrek Unmanned" by subjects and even neighbors. No less a house than Clan Warren of Glenfield crossed the River Realta and tried to seize much of Miller's Range, so little was Lord Morrek regarded. Though perhaps cowed by his mother, Lord Morrek would not let any other disrespect him or his clan, and the Warrens were quickly and savagely dealt with, so much so that the family was almost extinguished. A second cousin from a cadet branch was brought up to lead them afterward, and the Warrens were almost forced to swear fealty to the Maans, and the very young King Dorren was brought out to officially end the matter.   Despite this ferocity, Lord Morrek was never given the respect his father had received, and some even credited his military victory to Lady Ethlinn, claiming she donned armor like Flaithe the Storm Queen and fought his battles for him. "Who cares what gossips say," was Lady Ethlinn's response, but Lord Morrek stomped and fumed. Some say it was this constant worry over his reputation that would lead to young Lord Morrek dying of a burst heart at only seven-and-twenty. Like many Maans, Lord Morrek had a hearty appetite and exercised little outside of battle, and he had deteriorated greatly since his victory over the Warrens. Nevertheless, many would say he died of shame.   Young Magnar was fifteen when Lord Morrek died, and the lordship passed to his remaining brother, Balorag. Lord Balorag had lost an eye squiring for the dead Morrek, and had become bitter and sullen ever since. Despite this, he ruled Miller's Range ably and worked closely with Lady Ethlinn and his two elder sisters to increase yield of grain and more ingratiate Clan Maan into the royalty.   We should perhaps speak of Lord Magnar's four extraordinary sisters, who must be said to have thrived under Lady Ethlinn's strong hand. The eldest sister, firstborn child of Lord Modred and Lady Ethlinn, was named Magaana after the celebrated if mysterious bride to Dorreon II, the Green Prince. She was a speller and magician who never married. It was a poorly kept secret that Lady Magaana shared a bed with one of the castle spellers, allegedly dismissing her when she grew too old and replacing her with another. Lady Magaana was even more fiercely independent than her mother, and though she serves Millstone as a speller, most would agree that she rules it in all but name to this day.   Their second daughter and third child, Lyra, never spelt a word but was no less independent in her outlook. She was wed to a knight of Blackstone Keep, but the couple would spend more time at Millstone than the lands of Clan Paddox. Their five children were all ferocious warriors, despite three being girls who might have been commanded to sew and curtsey in other hands. Lyra's husband, Sir Padreg Paddox, is said to have been not only permissive but proud of this.   Their third daughter and fifth child (Balorag being the fourth child), named Penelope after the Host of the Hunt, is perhaps the most fascinating. She loved to ride (though, mayhap in spite of her namesake, refused to ever lift a bow), raised piglets as pets, and is said to have once kicked and abused a page that brought her dinner when she discovered how the meat was prepared. She loved animals dearly and would only eat fish. She was never reputed as religious, yet on her fifteenth birthday she was suddenly given over to the High Hostel of Dorreon, where she served as a novice for a little over a year before escaping into the Boarswood. She would not emerge again until the age of twenty, when she was taken for banditry and nearly hanged before the man commanding the execution, Sir Selvan Moyra, recognized her at the last second and ordered her cut down. Her compatriots were all hanged. She was returned to Millstone where she served her sister Magaana as a speller (she had learned both spelling and magic during her time as a fugitive), until she would once again disappear after being betrothed to a son of Clan Aadh. It is rumored she now wanders the Noddlands, purporting to be a hostess, giving to peasants from the treasures she stole from her family.   Compared to this, Fedelma must seem a terribly dull child. Fraternal twin to Magnar, Fedelma studied the faith in her youth but never joined a hostel. She would play the lute competently, but supposedly only by command of Lady Magaana, and never showed any interest in magics. Her greatest accomplishment, especially given her family and station as a fourth daughter, is becoming the second wife of Noah Graunt, Lord of Saolmoth and Chief Treasurer to Bethraal II. Many have credited this marriage as the source of Magnar's eventual entitlement as Chief of Stores, though many Maans have held this position over the centuries.   As for Magnar himself, by all reports he grew up a happy child. He was notably fond of drink even in his youth, which many credit to never knowing his father and the sudden death of his eldest brother Lord Morrek (surely a surrogate father figure) when Magnar was only fifteen. Yet despite these troubles, and the further death of Lord Balorag when Magnar was nine-and-twenty (from falling off a horse and breaking his neck), any who know the Chief of Clan Maan would call him jovial to the point of distraction.   Magnar was wed to Lady Glinda Ainden at sixteen. They had been betrothed at twelve (they were of an age), and were exceptionally fond of one another. It is widely understood that the two had started sharing a bed by age fifteen if not sooner, and their relatively early wedding may well have been meant to forestall the birth of a bastard child. They would bear two sons, Mordred and Owent, and a single daughter named Maeven, before Lady Glinda died of an arrow to the stomach during a hunting trip at the age of four-and-twenty. Lord Magnar was said to have mourned for three years, though his grief did not stop him from fathering bastards all over Miller's Range, a practice he maintained up until the very day he left to serve as Chief of Stores at Revelback in the Winter of 116 NA.   Though he occasionally visits his fiefdom, today Miller's Range is officially overseen by Lord Magnar's son Mordred, aged nine-and-twenty, advised by the castle Steward Sir Chester Uirlis, brother to Lord Magnar's mother, Lady Ethlinn. Lady Ethlinn sadly died of her years in 122 NA, and her obvious if unofficial position of power was transferred to her eldest child, Lady Magaana Maan, of whom it is said, "She advises Sir Chester, and rules young Mordred." Yet for all the supposed shame this brings on the clan, Miller's Range is thriving, and Lord Magnar seems utterly unaffected by any attempts to unman him.


Family Ties

Year of Birth
5082 45 Years old
Dark Gilt
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Character Portrait image: Lord Magnar by DALL-E