Noah Graunt Character in Ardre | World Anvil

Noah Graunt

Lord Noah Graunt

Chief Treasurer to King Bethraal II, called the Beloved.   Firstborn son to Lord Pater Graunt and Lady Bellanwy Haust.   Wed to Lady Eska Ruus. Father to Megan, who was wed to Griin Aerrin. Father to Alectra, who became a hostess at Aerwoth. Father to Tessa, who had been betrothed to Sir Micah Warren before his death in battle.   Wed to Fedelma Maan.   Noah was born in the midwinter of 71 NA. "He always had Winter in his heart," his mother Lady Bellanwy Haust once said of him. A remarkably serious child, Noah was said to have begun shadowing and imitating his father as soon as he could walk. Sadly, Lord Pater vanished in the Fiirwood when Noah was not yet seven. His mother would play a significant role in raising him, as would his eldest sister Ellinor (his second-eldest sister, Arjiilia, was much closer to him in age). His uncle Poinak, being his father's brother, would govern Saolmoth until Noah came of age, and doubtless taught him what he could. It must be said, however, that Poinak never expected to rule, and even his own son Pluthas would say he was not up to the task.   By far the most influential man in Noah's youth was his mother's brother, Haden Haust, who has served as Castellan to Moon Hall since the day Lady Bellanwy wed Lord Pater. A universally respected man, Haden is chiefly credited with Lord Noah's education in governance and warfare.   Lord Noah was quite young when the Third Brothers Rebellion was fought, but he was old enough to understand that his father fought on the wrong side, losing honors, lands, and ransoms (though thankfully, no sons), and losing his own life whilst hunting in the Fiirwood, failing to even die in battle. All this loss was for the sake of Ruark Redeye, a ghastling prince, who less than a year after the war would marry Noah's eldest sister Ellinor and remove her to Revelback. This all must surely mean that his relationship with the prince was complicated, yet it is understood that Noah admired Prince Ruark as a warrior: he had famously led a war party at only fourteen years, trying (and failing) to rescue his mother Queen Tarana from an angry mob.   It was no doubt this admiration that led young Noah to prevail upon his Uncle Haden, to win him the honor of squiring for Lord Cayl Odon toward the middle of the Fourth Brothers Rebellion, when Noah was but thirteen. After three weeks of marching and heavy training, however, Noah discovered that his younger brother Norrester, only ten, had followed him to the front in hopes of winning glory in battle. Noah was forced to abandon his post and run back to Saolmoth to deliver his brother safely home. Clan Odon was ultimately on the losing side, and Poinak Graunt still had some influence, so in the end Noah was not punished for desertion, but whispers of dishonor would follow him his entire life. Just after the war's end, his second sister Arjiilia was given in marriage to Lord Danwell Giiran. Moreover, Ruark Redeye and his wife, Noah's eldest sister, were banished into the west, never to be seen again. Two years later, his Uncle Poinak would die at only six-and-thirty, seemingly of natural causes. Later that same year, Noah would reach the age of majority. The Lord of Saolmoth had lost two sisters, an uncle, his father, and his honor, all before reaching adulthood.   The sigil of Clan Graunt is the werewolf, and as such many call them naturally dishonest, turning their cloaks as often as the moon changes. Under the guidance of his remaining uncle, Haden Haust, and his quiet if formidable mother, Noah endeavored to be as direct, constant, and honorable as he could, in all things. Living, as they do, at the gateway between East and West, the Graunts have always had to dance between allegiance to the Host Keeping Faith and the Deinain worshippers. The Hausts were Siiari through and through, so in order to introduce more Leante influence, Haden arranged for a weeklong celebration, inviting all nearby nobles. Most notably, their maiden daughters were encouraged to attend. Though he planned to wed his nephew to a girl from a Hostly family, he still hoped that the young lord might set his sights on a comely maiden, that their marriage might be happy as well as politically expedient. For whatever reason, the normally sober and strict-minded Noah drank to excess on the third night, the night of a masque, and ended up taking the virtue of a maiden named Eska. It was not until the next day he learned she was a Ruus of Nab Tree, vassals to the mysterious and very Western Clan Maraigh. Despite the danger, Noah insisted on wedding the girl, refusing to dishonor her. It was said they had three daughters and three riots, for there were indeed three great uprisings over the years from the Leante peasants, who felt the West was taking over their city. Noah and Eska loved each other kindly but not passionately, and it was said Noah mourned out of respect only when Lady Eska died of a great chill, having fallen into the Nightfall during a hunting trip.   By this point, however, Lord Noah was not with his wife, but instead at Revelback. Only a few months prior to her death, Lord Noah had been invited by the king to replace Lord Reynard Toll as chief treasurer. In the twelve years since assuming lordship, Noah and his Uncle Haden had increased Saolmoth's incomes threefold, successfully put down three minor riots, prevented a rebellion by Clan Aerrin via diplomacy rather than force, and (through Clan Aerrin) rooted out and destroyed a bandit stronghold that was growing in Dullanach Gorge, using the recovered wealth to help restore Sure Town. These were mighty feats, and as Lord Reynard was a vassal of Lord Noah, effectively owing all his fortune to him, and the royal court was itself badly in need of Western representation, Lord Noah was entitled as Chief Treasurer in the Spring of 101 NA. He set out to Revelback, leaving behind a recently deceased mother and brother, his eldest daughter (who was marrying into Clan Aerrin and being fostered at Sure Town), his youngest brother Pluutos, and most importantly his Uncle Haden, who would rule Saolmoth in his absence. His second and third daughters, aged eight and three, were sent to him shortly after their mother's death. There they would meet their surrogate mother, Fedelma Maan, whom he would wed in the Spring of 102 NA.   By all reports, Noah admired Fedelma greatly, and she seemed to return his affection. Yet in five-and-twenty years of marriage, they have had no children. Indeed, in 104 NA, Lady Fedelma brought little Alectra and Tessa to Miller's Range, her family home, to raise them safe from the dangers of the capital. Alectra would be given to a hostel in Aerwoth, and Tessa would be betrothed to a boy of Clan Warren, though the boy died in a minor uprising before either was old enough to marry. Though she still visits the capital on occasion, Lady Fedelma spends most of her time at Miller's Range or Saolmoth, and she has now passed childbearing age. Unless she dies and Lord Noah remarries, it must be assumed that the chiefdom of Clan Graunt will pass to his youngest brother Pluutos (who has three sons).   Verissian seemed to have haunted Lord Noah all his life, and she may well have followed him to Revelback. Dorren the Young King, who had named him Chief Treasurer, would rule for only five years before being killed by bandits, along with his cousin Dorrenog. Bethraal the Beloved, as unlikely a king as ever there was, against whom Clan Graunt had fought twice, kept Lord Noah as Chief Treasurer, where he serves to this day. The twenty years of peace under King Bethraal have largely been years of plenty as well, and much of that must be attributed to Lord Noah.   Gruff, blunt, and humorless, Lord Noah has succeeded in overshadowing his clan's changeable reputation. Though many mock him as stiff and friendless, and others fear him, none will dare call him inconstant or unreliable.


Family Ties


Noah Graunt


Towards Eska Graunt o Ruus

Eska Graunt o Ruus


Towards Noah Graunt

Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Chief Treasurer
Year of Birth
5071 56 Years old
Parents (Adopting)
Current Residence
Brown & Grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations
Character Portrait image: Clan Graunt