Mount Rhesselor Geographic Location in Ardre | World Anvil

Mount Rhesselor

The holy mountain of Rhesselor is the legendary birthplace of the Old Orckid Empire, where Empress Viis Belethen supposedly met with the North Wind to receive the gift of magic. It is the highest mountain in Kynaj and largely seen as the highest in the world, though many peoples of Olveiria claim that Mount Sifun holds that honor.   Legend claims the floating city of Craed Beleth was built upon the peak of Mount Rhesselor. Most people today do not believe the floating city ever existed, but this has not stopped some claiming that modern Craed Beleth fell to its current position after flying north from the mountain itself. Some say Beleth, the North Wind, blew the city to the center of what is now the Calvoran Highlands for Empress Viis Belethen to begin her conquest, while other myths say the envious South Wind, Zoroth, blew the city north and away from the mountain so it might fall to its doom, separated from the holy properties of Mount Rhesselor.   The mountain rests near the middle of the western "wing" of the Orvyx Mountain Range. Aside from being awash in wyrms, yellow manticores, wyverns, and all manner of unknown monsters, the mountains are also bare and sear, providing no sustenance to any who take an interest in the sacred relic. Nevertheless, a handful of Viisi pilgrims have been known to stray far from their pilgrimage along the northern Kynaji to attempt the peak of Mount Rhesselor. None are known to have returned.
Mountain / Hill
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