Tiefling - Ashfan

Rather than an infernal bloodline, the Ashfan (Tieflings) are a subrace of humans that has been distorted by their near constant proximity to majic over the ages. Ashfan society is best known for the arts, however they are also superior artificers who focus on non-combat majical engineering. A working clockwork heart was developed by Ashfan artificers and doctors at Ashfanabad's premier medical school in Khunduz in conjunction with the Artificer's Guild.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Abide, Adile, Alemşah, Alime, Asiye, Atike, Ayni, Ayşe, Azize, Bağdat, Bedr, Belkıs, Canaziz, Canfeda, Cemile, Cennet, Cihanbaht, Durpaşa, Ehli, Elif, Emine, Eslime, Esma, Eyne, Fahri, Fahrunnisa, Faize, Fati, Fetehna, Gaybi, Genc-asa, Güher, Gülbeste, Güllü, Gülpaşa, Habibe, Hacce, Hakime, Halime, Hani, Hanife, Hanim, Hanki, Hankurd, Hanzade, Hasna, Hatice, Hayrunnisa, Hesna, Hondi, Huban, Hüma, Huri, İhsan, İnci, İsmi, İsmihan, İstemade, Kadın Paşa, Kadriye, Kamer, Kerime, Kıymet, Kızlarbeyi, Kumru, La‘li, Mahreme, Mahti, Marziye, Medine, Merve, Meryem, Mihri, Mudam, Muhsine, Muhterem, Mümine, Mürüvvet, Müsli, Muslime, Naime, Narin, Narinşah, Nefise, Nesli, Neslihan, Neslişah, Nisa, Nuriye, Paşa, Paşali, Paşabula, Rabia, Rahime, Raziye, Rıdvan, Rukiye, Rüveyde, Sabur, Safiye, Şahcihan, Şahdevran, Şah Huban, Şahbula, Şahi, Şahidyedar, Şahnisa, Saime, Sakine, Saliha, Sare, Sedef, Şehri, Şehzade, Selcük, Selime, Selimşah, Seltan, Şem‘i, Sem‘iyye, Sena, Şerife, Sitti, Sultana, Sümeyye, Tenzile, Teslime, Ticar, Ulukadın, Ümmi, Ümmühan, Ümmühani, Ümmü Hani, Ümmügülsüm, Usul, Usul Paşa, Zahide, Zeyneb, Zeyni, Zohre, Zübeyde, Zuleyha

Masculine names

Adlee, Afshin, Bayram, Burak, Cahill, Candana, Ceyhun, Hosmunt, Kahraman, Mazhar, Miraç, Nijaz, Okan, Ozan, Ruslan, Safet, Volkan, Aagha, Adem, Altan, Aslan, Baris, Cem, Efe, Emin, Ihsan, Kaan, Niroop, Taner, Timur, Ufuk, Zehab, Zeki, Zoltan, Levent, Aydin, Balian, Cemil, Cetin, Demir, Duman, Eldar, Eymen, Galip, Hakan, Halil, Hasad, Kadir, Murat, Neval, Sevket, Suleyman, Tabeeb

Family names

Akbas, Aksoy, Aydin, Badem, Balik, Bardem, Bardacki, Binici, Bulut, Demir, Demirci, Durmaz, Eckmeki, Erdoghan, Ersoy, Karga, Kartal, Kiraz, Kaya, Kilich, Kocak, Kose, Nacar, Pehlivan, Peynirci, Osman, Ozdemir, Polat, Reis, Sadik, Sahin, Simsek, Tilki, Tiryaki, Ulusoy, Yavuz, Yildirim, Yildiz, Yilmaz, Zorlu


Major language groups and dialects

Due to the pervasiveness of the Ashfan education system the Ashfan have one official languge that all citizens will be fully fluent in. In addition to the Ashfan laguage, an Ashfan will be proficient in their native dialect and one to two other languages.

Shared customary codes and values

Respect and politeness are the cornerstones of Ashfan society. As such Ashfan can seem uptight and formal to any outsiders. This is a wild misconception, because the Ashfan prize personal freedom and artistic expression as central to being Ashfan. The Ashfan also love food and drink, looking for any excuse to hold a celebration.

Foods & Cuisine

Ashfan quisine is both very colorful and flavorful, but the ashfan are not very attracted to spicy food.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Generosity is one of the largest driving forces for the accumulation of wealth in Ashfan society. The more a person has the more that can be shared, anonamously. It is common practice for a very wealthy person to visit a grocer in the bazaar and pay off the list of debts without letting anyone know. This tradition permeates all levels of Ashfan society, those who have more help those with less without their knowledge. The anonimity is one of the most important parts of the tradition. If a wealthy person has more wealth than they can possibly give away they are seen as being an evil person and will loose all respect that they had earned. It has been documented that once a merchant was so successful that his wealth surpassed even the Pasha's. Out of humiliation they forfeited all of their possesions and went off into the wilderness as pennance and to bring themselves closer to the divinity.
One custom that outsiders often misunderstand is that a woman must follow six paces behind a male. This is often misinterpreted as a form of mysoginy, however the opposite is true. A woman must follow behind a male to protect her. If anything untoward is going to happen it will happen to the male first, giving the female time to escape. If a husband is seen walking behind his wife he might find himself recieving a beating for placing his wife in danger.
Age is to be respected is Ashfan society. At a cafe/inn it is customary for a younger person to give up their seat to an older person and bring them a cup of coffee. This custom is strong enough that if a younger person is going to be crossing the street in front of an elderly person they will change their route or cross at the next block to avoid any disrespect. Whenever this is pointed out by an outsider they are given an increadulous look and are derided for having no manners. An elderly person living alone will keep a purple flower growing by their door, it is a sign that they live alone and others living in the neighborhood will make sure to check on them and see if they need anything.
Since Ashfanabad host several different religions withing its borders it is customary for members of one faith to visit and pay resprcts to someone of a different faith on their holy day. Disparaging remarks must never be uttered in front of any holy place, regardless of religion. During periods of fasting for a religion it is customary for everyone in that neighborhood to avoid eating outside, to avoid offending anyone.
One of the oldest traditions in Ashfanabad is when someone is recieving a guest they serve them a glass of coffee and a glass of water. If the guest drinks the coffee first it means they are not hungry. If the guest drinks the water first it means they are hungry and the host will make them a light meal, usually a selection of appetizers.
Ability Score Increase: INT +1 & CHR+2
Age: Ashfan mature at the same rate as humans, but live slightly longer
Alignment: An ashfan's independent nature te3nds to lead them to chaotic alignments
Size: Ashfan are about human sized. Size is medium
Speed: Walking speed is 30'
Darkvision: Ashfan can see 60ft in dim light, but can not see in darkness.
Ashfan can speak, read, and write Common, Ashfan and one other language
Encompassed species


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