Ashfan Pashanate

The ruling body of Ashfanabad.


Ashfanabad is ruled by the Pasha who is considered to be the supreme political ruler as well as the interface between the gods and the physical realm. The Pasha's word is law. While being a member of the state sponsored religion is required to be a polital leader, the requirement hasn't been enforced in any meaningful way for over 300 years.
The highest level of government is the Mahkeme. This consists of the Pasha and his court, such as his cheif adviser, the Basdanisman, and his ministers. The Basdanisman serves as the intermediary between the Pasha and his ministers, keeping the Pasha apprised of the wishes of the ministers. While the Pasha has no responsibility to the ministers, it is usually considered a good idea to take their wishes into account. The ministers handle the everyday business of running Ashfanabad and administering the Pasha's laws.
Ashfanabad breaks into 11 vassal states that are controlled by a Kadhi, or govenor. Each state breaks down in to regions that are controlled by an Aga.


Respect is required in all levels of Ashfani government. Proper respect must be given to higher ups and those in more senior positions must show an equal amount of respect to those under them. Since not all of Ashfanabad's people have horns, the Pasha wears a large hat that covers his horns. Respect is everything.

Public Agenda

The current Pasha has made it his life's mission to improve the lives of his subjects. He has managed to open the worlds first adventurer's school. The Pasha has also opened and sponsored orphanages in every city, large and small town, and large village. Public education is compulsary for all orphans and once they finish their schooling they will have the option of being sponsored, by the Pasha himself, to a major university. Ashfan who have graduated from the program are known as "Abna Albasha" or The Pasha's Children. Since implementing this policy Ashfanabad has become the world leader in the Artificer's Arts and has cemented the Pasha's reputation for helping his people.

Aleaql Hu 'Aqwaa Silah - The Mind is the Strongest Weapon

Geopolitical, Theocracy
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Palace economy
Related Ethnicities


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