
Oristan does not have a formal military. Instead they have an entire population of over a million that will take up the sword at a moment's notice.


The Oristani Uukhai doesn't really have any formal structure, instead everyone just seems to know their role and position as if by majic. Many visiting scholars have tried to explain this phenomena without success. When pressed on the issue the only explanation that the Oristani can give is "That is how it is". In truth the Oristani don't understand it either. The most confusing part is that the structure of the Uukhai changes depending on the threat, becoming more or less organized as needed to deal with the immediate situation.

In recent history the Zwergin assualted the northern reaches is an attempt to take possesion of what they percieved as their territory. While the Zwergin army was the technologically superior force they could not stand up against the pure onslaught of vastly superior numbers. When the Zwergin army assaulted a small tent village to harass them out of the area the next day they were attacked by waves and waves of thousands Oristani. While Oristani casualties were high, The Zwergin army commander was lucky to make it back to Grundhorn with the remains of a small detachment, all that was left of a 100,000 strong army. Since this humiliating loss the Grundhorn Empire has taken the stand of "Let the sands drift.", or in other words "If they don't attack us, we won't attack them". This conflict has become known in the Grundhorn Empire as the Niedriger Massacre and is a great source of shame for the southern kingdoms of the empire.


The culture of the Uukhai seems to mirror normal Oristani life. When engaged in battle the only change in Oristani life is that they are at war. This has been a source of frustration to any attacking force because it's impossible to determine who is a combatant and who isn't. While this has led to attacking armies to sometimes take a kill them all approach, each time they are met with vastly superior numbers that seemingly appear out of nowhere and attack in ever increasing waves day and night. Any attacking force is quickly overwhelmed and exhausted.

Uukhai!!! - Both the name of what others would consider a military and the call to arms.

Military, Other
Ruling Organization


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