Hemidar (Hem-ih-darh)

Hemidar is a beautiful town of bronze and steam, gleaming golden in the sun's rays. The city is set into the walls at the head of a narrow sandstone ravine and is held aloft by great bronze beams. Steam whistles intermittently out of various pipes and pistons, ticking clocks provide a steady beat, and gears whirr for what sometimes seems like no discernible reason. Mechanical figures rush about with purpose, occasionally emitting puffs of steam. The population of Hemidar dodge the automatons with an air of great practice as they hurry about their business.


Hemidar is populated by all manner of races, from elves to darklings to dwarves, all of whom are considered dwarves under Hemidar's banner. Of those who are of the dwarven race, almost all are related to the town's King and founder, Yelsin Barr.


Hemidar is ruled by King Yelsin, who built the town with his own two hands. Hemidar is his life's work; his masterpiece, and he is rightfully proud of it.


Hemidar is defended primarily by its remote location in the Ukotu Mountains. Hemidar is built near-vertically into the walls of the ravine, and would have the high ground against attacking forces, and -knowing the terrain- would be able to use ambush tactics to great effect.   Secondly, Hemidar boasts a Bronze Toll Gate, ten feet tall, which can be closed and barred in order to seal the town away from attackers.   Hemidar's third line of defense is their system of mechanoids, some of which are tasked with keeping record of all visitors, directing them where they're wanted and keeping them away from where they're not, and others specialized for bringing down or throwing out especially unruly guests.

Industry & Trade

Hemidar is a town of craftspeople, and as such they export a large variety of items, some magical and others mundane. The dwarves find beauty in utility, and as such, purely decorative items such as nonmagical jewelry are rare.


Hemidar is a craftsperson's dream; full of smithies, glass studios, potteries, and workshops. At the head of the valley, a watermill provides power to the rest of the town. Smoke and steam pour from the chimneys at all hours, and at night the town is lit by electric lights. At the top of the ravine, a pair of cranes sit waiting to aid in hauling heavy materials.

Guilds and Factions

While the Dwarves living in Hemidar are craftspeople by nature, not all of them choose to pursue a craft full-time. Some choose to take up support roles like security or mining.   A small team of Dwarves have taken up the mantle of defending Hemidar, serving as security forces. Lead by Grela Barr, they are known as the Watch.


A thousand years ago, a dwarf by the name of Yelsin Barr hit upon a rich vein of copper and tin while prospecting in the depths of the Okatu Mountains. Rather than share the location of this vein with all and sundry, he decided he was going to create a dwarven stronghold, as grand or grander than the ancient halls of his ancestors, which had long since been lost. Aided by his wife and later also by his children and grandchildren, he toiled for many years, and today, Hemidar stands proudly as testament to the strength of his conviction.   Hemidar's construction took the clan two hundred and ten years to build, and Yelsin and his wife had not been young dwarves when they began. Knowing this and feeling strongly that her husband deserved to see the fruits of his labour, his wife set out on her own life's work: An intricate clockwork body, perfect and beautiful in its complexity; for her husband to make his own once his flesh and blood failed him. When he discovered her intentions, Yelsin begged her to build herself a mechanical body as well. She agreed, but died before her clockwork body could be completed.   Grief-stricken, Yelsin chose to name his new city after her, so that in some small way a piece of Hemida Barr might live on alongside him.


The City of Bronze draws in a fair amount of tourism, which the dwarves put up with in good humor so long as the tourists stay out of the way. Merchants and traders often travel this way because Hemidar's exports are exceptionally well-made and intricate in their beauty besides, sure to sell for a profit in some distant land. The dwarves are happy to trade their wares for food and other necessities.


Despite being distinctly steampunk in nature, Hemidar's architecture leans into the art deco style: Strong, straight lines full of decorative motifs.


Hemidar is located in the Okatu Mountain Range, set into the walls at the head of a narrow sandstone ravine. A river runs through the ravine, fed by runoff from the mountain peaks. The water finds its way down the ravine by way of a waterfall. The city's infrastructure takes advantage of this waterfall, harnessing its energy.

Natural Resources

Hemidar sits on top of a massive tin and copper mine, which the Dwarves use in their craftsmanship. A waterfall drops through the city, providing both drinking water and a source of clean energy.
Founding Date
1000 years ago
Alternative Name(s)
Tinkertown, the City of Bronze
Location under
History of Hemidar