Goruk of the Cinder Tower Character in Arendor | World Anvil

Goruk of the Cinder Tower

Goruk of the Cinder Tower

A wizard with a gruff attitude and keen arcane intellect

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Strong, tall, imposing- Not words usually associated with arcanists of the Spire, but all appropriate to describe Goruk. His hefty build may well have played some part in his ability to channel primordial fire and survive where others had failed.

Identifying Characteristics

Goruk bears a deep-scarred and arcane Orcish Warmask that exudes power. The markings besides the active and functional sigil-work denotes his clan origins, overmarked by his dedication to the Spire and arcane studies. If one were keen to Orcish culture, they might realize the meaning behind those marks as favouring his place of study over his clan hold.

Special abilities

Goruk has learned to channel primordial fire, an incredible and limitless fuel source that would burn up most lesser mages to harness. His skill and dedication with wards combined with his unusual physical might for an arcanist has resulted in a unique strength, granting him near limitless fire evocation along with using the fire to fuel different transmutations, abjurations, and conjurations.

Apparel & Accessories

Hardened leather lies underneath an ornate robe, from which Goruk will pull all manner of arcane tools and crafts. His hands each bear access to runic symbols strapped to the palms, through which he channels the fires used to fuel his more powerful evocations without wasting arcane resources.

Mental characteristics


Goruk came to the Spire at a very young age, in pursuit of knowledge that his own clan didn't have the skills to teach him. Disinterested in the concepts of shamanism and spiritual pursuits, Goruk dedicated his early years of arcane tutelage to deep comprehension of the earliest magics he knew. Many of his mentors were displeased with this at first, believing the Orc was hanging himself up on early lessons and not simply moving on to take those fundamentals to higher levels. In truth, Goruk was mastering his foundation to the point that today, the evoker is able to toss out refined and perfected Fireball spells as easily as the average Wizard casts a flaming cantrip.   That isn't to say that Goruk didn't also learn a fair bit of arcane theory in general. In fact, he's among one of the foremost experts of arcane theory and knowledge in Arendor purely based on how the earliest lessons connect and intwerweave with the underpinnings of all reality. If he could find a way to weave that knowledge in with its interconnections to everything else, he'd be a scholar ascendant.


While a student in most other forms of magic, Goruk is an educator and scholar in the school of Evocation. The title 'Of the Cinder Tower' marks Goruk as an expert in his field, taking charge in his respective field and leading discussions on advancing Elarian positions with his perspective. As a member of the Elder Council representing his scholarly field, he is a respected academic in a narrow field of fellows.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Learning to funnel primordial flame into arcane essence to fuel his spells, Goruk has achieved an incredible feat of evocation.
  • Goruk ascended to the Elder Council on his work and thesis regarding his evocation powers, attaining noteworthy political influence for a relatively young Wizard.
  • The Councillor has proven his combat mettle more than once, leading students and fellow scholars alike in matters of war magic and defense against various monstrosities.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Goruk is missing a finger on his left hand, a permanent scar resultant from his earliest dealings with the primordial flames.
  • As a scholar and elder, Goruk has been expected to teach others to utilize his capabilities to grant access to the primordial fire. These lessons have been unsuccessful, leading to a number of deaths. What was a dangerous experiment for himself has proved suicidal for those without his sheer durability.

Morality & Philosophy

Goruk's view on morality is, at least on the surface, utilitarian- Why take actions that result in more enemies? In a politically active and aware world like Arendor, such actions include theft, murder, or on larger scales, genocides and conquests. Such actions cause major shifts in alliegance, wars, feuds, all things which draw attention away from learning and study. To build is to advance, and to war is to destroy. Destroying is the opposite of building, and thus should be avoided at all costs.

Personality Characteristics


Goruk's primary motivation has always been the pursuit of knowledge, arcane and otherwise. Spells, scrolls, artifacts, all of it interests him. The concept of a dark god wreathed in shadow descending on the world is a bit out of his personal grievance range, but such an entity has historically brought destruction and death. Such things erode and destroy knowledge, and for that reason must be stopped.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Highly intelligent, considering every situation carefully before acting.
  • A powerful figure, willing to jump into the fray in the protection of others if necessary.
  • A teacher and mentor by profession, Goruk has surprising patience for an Orc when it comes to helping others learn.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Tends toward grumpy silence rather than friendly banter, making him difficult to get along with during times of tension.
  • As with most specialist mages, Goruk's first plan tends to revolve around evocation and thus battle-ready objectives.
  • While calmer than most Orcs, he still has the capacity for fury. If pushed, Goruk can quite easily dismantle a situation with aggression as his primary drive.


Contacts & Relations

  • Most scholars at the Spire are well-acquainted with Goruk, at least on the level that they know about his expertise.

A devoted Evoker from the Elaris Spire, skilled in various forms of magic but singularly exceptional in matters of destruction and channeled power.

View Character Profile
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Goruk of the Cinder Tower
  • Councilor Goruk
Date of Birth
Septryn 13th 602 AE
Current Residence
The Elaris Spire
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
226 lbs.
Known Languages
  • Common
  • High Common
  • Sylvan
  • Orcish
  • Ignan
  • Elvish
  • Elsi


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