Goruk of the Cinder Tower | World Anvil

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Goruk of the Cinder Tower

A devoted Evoker from the Elaris Spire, skilled in various forms of magic but singularly exceptional in matters of destruction and channeled power.

Campaign & Party

Played by
Other characters

The major events and journals in Goruk's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 5: The Ghastbark Conundrum

03:29 am - 17.06.2024

Session 5: The Ghastbark Conundrum

03:29 am - 17.06.2024

Session 3: Whispers Beyond Dawnhold

02:49 am - 17.06.2024

Session 3: Whispers Beyond Dawnhold

08:03 pm - 08.06.2024

Session 2: Whispers in Dawnhold

07:59 pm - 08.06.2024

Session 2: Whispers in Dawnhold

08:13 pm - 04.05.2024

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Goruk.

Played by

Other Characters by Campor