Order of the Eternal Sentinel Organization in Arendor | World Anvil

Order of the Eternal Sentinel

This hallowed order of knights pays fealty to Thalor, the divine of courage and protection. Revered as the Order of the Eternal Sentinel, they have devoted their lives to the ceaseless pursuit and obliteration of darkness and malevolence. Not content to merely defend against evil, these stalwart knights take the fight to their foes, extinguishing them with relentless might and resolve.   Their presence is felt throughout Thallindor, as members journey across the land, ever watchful for the insidious followers of the Umbraric. From humble hamlets to grand citadels, wherever darkness casts its ghastly pallor, the Order is there to drive it back.   In times of profound crisis, the order comes together, as if drawn by a shared heartbeat, to enact what they term a 'Crusade'. Such times see the knights stand as one, a shield against the encroaching shadows, their combined might a beacon of hope to those beset by fear and despair.   The Order operates in chapters, with each one taking stewardship of a region. Every knight serves their chapter with unwavering loyalty, but is also granted the freedom to traverse between chapters, a testament to the Order's commitment to the battle against evil wherever it may lurk. At times, the chapters may call upon each other for aid, and in such moments, the knights converge, demonstrating their unwavering bond and shared resolve.


The Order of the Eternal Sentinel is organized into a decentralized hierarchy. Each chapter operates independently under the oversight of a Chapter Master, a venerable knight chosen for their wisdom and martial prowess. Although individual chapters have autonomy, decisions of overarching significance are made at the Conclave of Masters, an annual gathering of all Chapter Masters where a new Primarch is chosen to head the organization from Dawnhold.   Underneath the Chapter Masters are the Knight-Captains, senior members who lead missions and mentor newer recruits. Below them are the knights, the Order's backbone, followed by squires, aspirants training to become full knights.


The culture of the Order is marked by valor, vigilance, and voluntary service. Knights strive to embody the principles of Thalor in their every action, cultivating courage, kindness, and integrity. Despite the serious nature of their calling, the Order fosters camaraderie among its members. Moments of quiet reflection, shared stories, and communal meals punctuate their martial routines.

Public Agenda

The Order's public agenda is straightforward: to protect the realm of Thallindor from evil. They are guardians and champions of the innocent, striving to uphold justice and peace. Their visible presence throughout Thallindor serves as a reassurance to the populace, and they are often invited to ceremonies and festivals as guests of honor.


The Order possesses various assets, from ancient fortresses housing each chapter to a vast armory of holy weapons. Each chapter also has its own library containing centuries of wisdom, as well as training grounds for physical and martial development. The Order is funded through a mix of public donations, tithes from nobility, and support from the Church of Thalor.   The most notable fortress controlled by the Order is Dawnhold, the Keep of Elysia. It is under the stewardship of the Primarch, who acts as a leader to the various Chapter Masters.


The Order of the Eternal Sentinel was founded in the wake of the War of Shadows during the Age of Recovery. As Thallindor sought to heal from the devastation, a group of stalwart warriors who had witnessed the horrors of the war firsthand, came together to ensure such darkness would never fall upon the land again.   They pledged themselves to Thalor, god of courage and protection, forming the first chapter of what would become the Order of the Eternal Sentinel. Over the centuries, the Order expanded its influence, establishing chapters across Thallindor. Despite the evolution of the Order, the purpose has remained constant: to stand as a bulwark against darkness, an eternal sentinel in the name of Thalor.
Usually Lawful Good
Vigilance is our shield; we must keep watch for the world's hidden darkness. Strength lies not just in arms, but in the ability to act independently and decisively. Those who dare to defy the will of Thalor shall meet their justice, and we are its bearers.
Root out and destroy the evil of Thallindor.
Eliminate a demon, investigate a murder, discover the whereabouts of a cult.
Religious, Holy Order
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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