Dawnhold Building / Landmark in Arendor | World Anvil


Dawnhold, the Elysian Keep, is a sight of awe-inspiring beauty. The white stone it is constructed from gleams in the sunlight, painting a picture of serene resilience. Its towering spires and robust walls convey an air of strength and dependability, while its red and gold adornments add a touch of regal elegance. The fortress emanates a sense of serene fortitude, a monument to the unity and resilience of the past, and a beacon of hope for the future. Despite its origins in a time of turmoil, Dawnhold now stands as a symbol of peace, serving as the neutral ground for the nations of Thallindor.

Purpose / Function

Dawnhold serves as an emblem of unity, as a beacon of resilience in the face of overwhelming darkness. It stands, even to this day, as a neutral ground, a fortress of peace amidst the turbulent disputes of the nations of Thallindor. Though it once served as the vanguard against the night, it now serves as a sanctuary for diplomacy and discussion, where voices of reason and passion mingle in the quest for a brighter future.


The defenses of Dawnhold are as much a marvel of construction as they are a symbol of determination. Its walls, hewn from the same white stone as the rest of the fortress, stand sturdy and resolute, impervious to both time and assault. Guard towers dot the fortress, their vigilant eyes eternally watchful for threats. These formidable fortifications served well in the War of Shadows, and continue to do so, fostering an environment of safety within their steadfast embrace.


The defenses of Dawnhold are as much a marvel of construction as they are a symbol of determination. Its walls, hewn from the same white stone as the rest of the fortress, stand sturdy and resolute, impervious to both time and assault. Guard towers dot the fortress, their vigilant eyes eternally watchful for threats. These formidable fortifications served well in the War of Shadows, and continue to do so, fostering an environment of safety within their steadfast embrace.


Dawnhold's history is deeply entwined with the War of Shadows. Constructed in 1340 CT, a mere three years after the war's onset, the fortress was the brainchild of the Dawnbreakers, a valiant party that fought tirelessly against the encroaching darkness. It was within these hallowed walls that they planned their attacks, strategized their defenses, and finally, executed their plan to destroy the malevolent Shadowstone. Tragically, none survived the final onslaught, but their legacy lives on, immortalized in the fortress they built and the peace it now fosters.
Founding Date
740 AK/1340 CT
Alternative Names
The Elysian Keep
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Related Report (Primary Locations)


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