Crab Clan Families

The Hida Family

  Ring Increase: +1 Earth or +1 Fire   Skills: Command, Tactics
The Hida family stands guard against the Shadowlands, its task an eternal vigil to keep the Empire safe from the dark forces of Jigoku. Like the family’s founder, the Kami Hida, they are large and strong, tough and enduring, with little patience for the weaknesses of others.   Their harsh duty makes the Hida exceedingly pragmatic, with little time for the polite fictions of court. They bitterly bear the mocking condescension concerning their manners and dress from the clans they shield.

The Hiruma Family

  Ring Increase: +1 Air or +1 Water   Skills: Skulduggery, Survival
The Hiruma are the eyes and ears of the Crab beyond the Wall, warning of attacks and staging spoiling raids on the unending hordes, a desperate and unrewarding task. The warnings facilitated by the skills of the Hiruma allow the Crab to respond quickly to any threat. Due to the ceaseless danger of the Shadowlands, the Hiruma rotate between service beyond the Wall and service inside the Empire, where they function as scouts, messengers, and yōjimbō (bodyguards). Slender and quick, the Hiruma are a contrast to the staunch Hida, relying instead on speed and precision.

The Kaiu Family

  Ring Increase: +1 Earth or +1 Fire   Skills: Smithing, Labor
Monuments to the skill of the Kaiu are everywhere in the Crab lands, from the vast Kaiu Wall itself to the armour and weapons used by those who stand guard over it. The Kaiu are responsible for the road network supporting the fortifications, the siege engines that crush and shatter the Shadowlands forces, and defensive works spread across the interior of the Crab holdings. There are very few problems that the Kaiu will not try to solve with applied engineering.

The Kuni Family

  Ring Increase: +1 Earth or +1 Void   Skills: Medicine, Theology
No shugenja family is more feared in the Empire than the Kuni, who root out any sign of corruption. The Kuni use all means at their disposal in their hunt; even Hida samurai sometimes pale at their methods. The Kuni are willing to delve into the secrets of the Shadowlands using study, observation, and even dissection, even though such close contact with its dark creatures risks their very souls.

The Yasuki Family

  Ring Increase: +1 Air or +1 Water   Skills: Commerce, Design
The slim and loquacious Yasuki do not fit the Crab stereotype, but they provide a vital service to their clan all the same. The first masters of markets in the Empire, the Yasuki use the tools of trade and industry to keep the Crab armies well equipped and fed, even if it means the occasional shady deal. The Yasuki trade network extends throughout the Empire; members of this family can be found just about anywhere, looking for the next arrangement.
Parent Organization