Crane Clan Families

The Asahina Family

  Ring Increase: +1 Water or +1 Void   Skills: Aesthetics, Theology
The Asahina seek harmony and peace in all things, embodying a philosophy of compassion and pacifism that sets them apart even from their fellow Crane. Through art and prayer, they seek to calm and soothe the world around them and spread peace and accord throughout the Empire. The Asahina know that only through sacrifice can true peace be purchased, and it is a price they will pay to foster a better Empire.

The Daidoji Family

  Ring Increase: +1 Earth or +1 Water   Skills: Fitness, Tactics
The Daidoji are practical and hardworking Crane who compose the core of the clan’s standing military. Devoted to serving their clan, the Daidoji are its under-appreciated foundation—from the Iron Warriors who comprise the foundation of the Crane Clan’s armies, to the wary yōjimbō protecting the courtiers of the Doji, to the Daidoji Trading Council responsible for providing the raw materials and wealth for Crane arts. The selfless efforts of the Daidoji are fundamental to the defence of the Crane and the advancement of its goals.

The Doji Family

  Ring Increase: +1 Air or +1 Water   Skills: Courtesy, Design
The descendants of the Kami Doji have embodied the courtly arts and refined culture of the Empire since its dawn. No major court is complete without its contingent of Doji spreading art, friendship, and—until very recently—generous gifts. For courtly news and rumour, the Doji communication network is unrivalled. This network aids the Doji in keeping ahead of their rivals as much as their mastery of etiquette and art does. Rare are those who can afford to offend the Doji; rarer still are those who do so more than once.

The Kakita Family

  Ring Increase: +1 Air or +1 Fire   Skills: Aesthetics, Meditation
While the Doji seek excellence in all things, the Kakita tend to focus on a single skill, which they strive to master thoroughly. Whether this skill is the art of the sword or of the brush, they pursue it with a singular focus. The graceful Kakita usually exhibit the beauty of the Crane in a more athletic manner than do their Doji cousins. They are renowned as some of the finest duelists in the Empire, and graduates from their academy defend the honour of the Crane with sharp finality.
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