

Hailing from North in Kiga, Seto's on a path to find a lost relics to redeem his father.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Seto pays close attention to his body in order to achieve the goal of becoming to ultimate version of himself.
Whereas his figure is on a slimmer side Seto's muscles are visible even under the thick layer of fur above them, interestingly his legs are the most developed part of his body.

Body Features

Seto's body is covered in silky black fur that has been kept maintained and repeatedly cut shorter then one would assume with a large portion of his fur only starting to grow back on place he obtained the tatoo.

Facial Features

Aside from his deep sky blue eyes, Seto's whiskers point inwards due to repeated exposure to heat during forging.

Identifying Characteristics

Seto spawns a large dragon tattor that spans from his right forearm to right half of his abdomen.

Physical quirks

Seto possesses claws that could rival the sharpnes of the strongest blades on top of his 4 fangs. He tends to keep them both out of sight.
Seto also has an a tail that spans for 3FT even though he preffers not to rely on it.

Special abilities

Seto can channel his inner Ki to activate the power of tattoo. When activated, the Blue Dragon that spawns from his wrist and travels to his right abdomen "comes alive" creating a phantom shoulder pauldron in shape of Blue Dragon head and allows Seto to reach further with his own energy to deliver devastating blows from distance.

Apparel & Accessories

Both of Seto's forearms and shins are wrapped with a thicc layer of elastic fabric.
He wears a standard monk pants and modified version of top of Kimono. Seto made sure that his tattoo is always presented hence why the right part of his upper side is sliced diagonally.
On the lower end of his back a large Katana spawns whilst on his left hip a Wakizashi is sheeted.

Specialized Equipment

Seto specializes in ability to read the flow of energy in nature and everywhere around him. The ability to manipulate that energy, also reffered as Ki, allows Seto to sense danger coming from negative Ki at any point on top of using it to disrupt the Ki of his opponent locking thier bodies in place.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Seto doesn't like talking about the past.


Seto was homeschooled by his late father, Velfern in many different areas.
He was thought in ways of manipulating the Ki to an extent where he's capable of slicing trough woods with a stick.
When it comes to martial arts, Seto excels in a combination of 2 popular styles. Taekwando and Kung Fu. Whereas Seto doesn't preffer one, he's yet to master both styles and combine them fully.
Seto is an apprentice Swordsmith using the techniques thought by his father.


Seto is currently serving in Daichi Tatsuo army from Dragon Clan. His latest rank he was granted is Nikutai and he was given the land in near vicinity of Toto.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Seto has completed several bariers in The Way of the Kensei, also known as the "One with the Sword".
On top of his mastery of Ki, he's also completed 2 swords as a swordsmith, one of them with using the lost technique thought to him by his father.
Seto rose to Nikutai rank in less then a month and was given a land by Daichi Tatsuo as a recognition for his deeds during the "Defense of Toto".

Failures & Embarrassments

Seto has allowed his animalistic insticts to overpower his reason once.

Mental Trauma

Seto is extremly scared of repeating the past mistakes believing that the animal inside him is a monster.

Intellectual Characteristics

Seto's ability to perceive the flow of energy allows him to dominate the battlefields trough that knowledge and fast momement.
Seto's known to keep the composure even under the most stressfull situations, likelyhood of adopting it trough many trial and failures of him trying to forge blades.
Seto's inteligence is considered above average.

Morality & Philosophy

Seto has a set of values instilled to him by his late father and his experience. Fearless, justice, kindness are one of many values Seto holds deeply.
  Seto belives that everything has a cause and that, just like riplles in the water, every actions causes reaction. He judges people based on their actions, rather then their words as he belives words hold no value.
In the eyes of Death, we aren't judged by the color of our skin or what we look like. We're judged on our actions and trough them we shall find a peace we're longing for.


Justice without force is powerless, force without justice is tyranicall.
Those who break the rules are scum but someone who abandons their friends is worse than scum.
If the heroes run and hide, who will stay and fight?

Personality Characteristics


Seto is on a path to reclaim two relics that were stolen.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Growing up in a small village Seto has started his path with very little knowledge of Kigani culture and everything surrounding it.
Seto's incapable of cutting his own fur.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: a good cooked meal, strong fragrance of tobacco, fighting, proving himself, forging blades, helping those who can't help themselves, kindness, empathy, calligraphy, swordfighting   Dislikes: disobediance, smugness, people who belive they are superior to him based on words or appearance alone, evil, apathy


Contrary to stereotypes of Tabaxi people, Seto enjoys long baths and to have his fur cut short due to flames of the forge being overpowering to his fur.


Contacts & Relations

Joseph, villager far in the north in Fenris Village.

Family Ties

Seto hasn't disclosed any information on his family.

Wealth & Financial state

Whilst Seto doesn't personally care for wealth, he owns a land given to him by Daichi Tatsuo.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Owner of land near Toto that has a natural healing source in a form of a bathouse.
Date of Birth
28th of Indra, 511
Current Residence
Bathouse residence near Toto
Sky Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black fur
5 ft 7
Quotes & Catchphrases
The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what's behind him.
A hero isn't born. They are forged. Hammered and tempered like steel. A hero doesn't do what is good, or easy. They do whats needed done. They do what is right, because it is right. When heroes fall, they fall knowing they did the best they could and that maybe they made a difference.

Young cub asked his father: "You teach me fighting, but you talk about peace. How do you reconcile the two?" Father took a knee and replied: "It is better to be a warrior in a garden than to be a gardener in a war."
Known Languages
Common, Elvish
Ruled Locations