Kiga Shogunate

Welcome to the Emerald Empire

  In Kiga, it is said that honour is stronger than steel. While even the finest blade can bend and break or twist under the heat of the forge, the Emerald Empire's society has been folded in the forges of politics and war for more than a thousand years, and it has not yet broken. The society of Kiga follows a divinely ordered pattern set down by the Kami, who shared their celestial blessings with the mortal realm. Kiga is a land of strict social stratification, where an improper look at the wrong time can mean death.   This is an era of sudden change and upheaval, however. Mortal schemes, natural calamities, and celestial turmoil alike have disrupted the political, military, and spiritual equilibrium of the land. Long-simmering rivalries and fresh betrayals ripple through the courts and on the battlefield. The Chrysanthemum Throne is beset by threats from without and within, and the honour of the Great Clans—the families descended from the heroes of legend and sworn to rule their lands in the Emperor's name—shall be put to the test.

Natural Resources

Nature's bounty in Kiga is plentiful with bamboo forests, rice fields and ores perfect for crafting the katanas this region is so famous for.


Kiga was formed by the clans of men who refused to be transformed into serpents in Smot. Those who continued south to find a land ruled by ancient dragons. Those who were able to forge weapons capable of defeating the beasts and claiming the land for their own. Which after more than a hundred years of war, they did. Driving the last dragons back to their caves while others migrated North as they had done for generations. Giving chase to the dragons on ships led the warriors of the Kiga Shogunate to the isle of Greengulf, to a place known as Dragon's Rest. A halfway point for the dragons on their annual migration. Eventually, those warriors followed the dragons all the way back to Bizir. The Shogun, however, did not have the sailing technology at first. The Smotians did. They traded the technology to Kiga in exchange for a safer place to live. When they found the isle, Kiga Kaishogun saw a way to keep his promise and to avoid having Smotians living amongst his people and transforming them. The very creatures his forefathers had sought to escape.   This change was not so easy to prevent, and thus the tabaxi cultures that now live in northern Kiga are fairly common. To the south, Kiga's expansion continued, and with their new sailing technology, they were able to leave their southern shores and arrive in the Kingdom of Nix. A terrifying land populated with Goblins and spiders. This became the new border for Kiga as the Shogun's men constructed a great wall to keep the monsters from invading the realms of the humanoids. They also inadvertently took control over the only way into the attol by sea. A fact the gods may be more aware of than they are.   This meeting with the magical folk beyond the wall was not feared by all and rather embraced by many as the discovery of wieldable magic. The first to experiment with such forces were altered and shunned by the people of Kiga, mistakenly believed to be the monsters from beyond the wall. These were, in fact, the first Elves of Arenia. These elves scattered throughout Kiga in hiding, though the lure of magic created too many to hide. Wars were fought and eventually, a desperate group of elves gathered their people and took a fleet of ships north, across the sea and to what is now known as the Arenian Empire.   For more information of the grand history of Kiga, see the attached article. (Coming Soon)


Since the opening of the Arenian Games, many come to Kiga to experience its cultures and see the beauties the land has to offer.   Others come to Kiga in search of the greatest warriors the land has to offer and to earn honour and glory in the duelling pits and cursed temples Kiga uses as arenas.

Articles under Kiga Shogunate