The Five Rings and You

Each Samurai in Kiga receives 5 magic rings when they complete their gempuku ceremony. Each of the Five Rings represents a character's personality as well as their natural inclination toward a certain approach to solving problems.   Rather than reflecting exclusively mental and physical parameters, a character’s rings are primarily an expression of their propensity toward certain ways of seeing the world and facing challenges.   When making a check using a given ring, a player rolls a number of Ring dice (d4) equal to their value or rank for that ring and adds the total to their regular roll. For player characters, each ring has a rank between 1 and 5, though some exceptional beings might possess values beyond this range.  
  •  Rank 1: The character is considered weak or deficient in this area. They are likely to seek the help of other characters when attempting tasks using this ring’s approach, or they prefer alternative methods for achieving their goals.
  • Rank 2: The character is considered average or normal in this area. They are able to rely on themself when attempting tasks using this ring’s approach, but they are unlikely to attract any special notice—good or bad—from other characters.
  • Rank 3: The character is considered above average in this area. Other characters are likely to take notice when the character takes this approach to accomplishing their goals.
  • Rank 4: The character is considered exceptional in this area. Other characters are impressed at the character’s effectiveness in this sphere.
  • Rank 5: The character is considered legendary in this area. To others, this character appears to epitomize the essence of a given approach.
  • Rank 6+: Superhuman ability, such as that possessed by the Oracles or powerful oni. The character’s prowess in this sphere is nearly unrivaled. PCs cannot normally attain these values.
  The rings are as follows, and they represent the following different means of facing a challenge:  


  The AIR RING represents a graceful, cunning, and precise personality. This approach is swift or layered with nuance, as the character moves too quickly or speaks too obliquely to be pinned down. A character with a high Air Ring value is eloquent, physically and socially deft, and shrewd.   Depending on the task, characters can use an Air approach as follows:  
  • When making art, an Air approach can allow a character to refine a work of art, improving its finer points, honing a piece’s details, or stripping away unnecessary things to enhance the work.
  • When studying and learning, an Air approach can help a character to analyze information so that they can observe and understand details, detect subtle nuances, and unravel layered implications and hidden meanings.
  • When communicating, an Air approach can enable a character to trick others by using subtlety and cleverness to imbue their words with multiple meanings or obscure the truth. It allows a character to convince others of a statement, deceive (by direct dishonesty or omission), imply secondary intentions, and control what information others have. While not always malicious, it is always manipulative on a certain level.
  • When fighting, an Air approach allows a character to feint, using their precision and grace to exploit flaws in their foe’s attacks and defenses. It focuses on maintaining control over the character’s body at every turn. Rather than trying to crush opposition head-on, it seeks opportunities to excel or gain an advantage that demand exact positioning and timing.
  • When engaging in a trade, an Air approach allows a character to con others, getting something for nothing. It lets a character inflate the prices of items they are selling, convince others to trust them with resources, and steal. 


  The EARTH RING represents a character's aptitude for taking a steady, thorough, and grounded approach to problems. This approach is cautious and considerate, as the character works to get results without suffering losses or taking unneeded risks. A character with a high Earth Ring value is likely to be physically tough, mentally resilient, and reliable.   Depending on the task, characters can use an Earth approach as follows:
  • When making art, an Earth approach lets a character restore damaged items. This governs the character’s ability to repair items and perform upkeep. It also covers related tasks, such as archival and storage.
  • When learning and studying, an Earth approach lets a character recall information from memory. An Earth approach is not useful for wild leaps of logic or intuition, but it is necessary for creating a solid foundation of known factors and facts upon which to build conclusions.
  • When communicating, an Earth approach helps a character reason with other people, getting them to think rationally, set aside their emotions, and remember duties and responsibilities. It is also used for instruction, keeping subordinates in line, and maintaining order.
  • When fighting, an Earth approach lets a character withstand attacks until the perfect moment to strike back. Any task can be accomplished with tenacity in sufficient measure. An Earth approach to a martial task is often cautious, moving slowly to avoid pitfalls or exhaustion. 
  • When engaging in a trade, an Earth approach lets a character produce what they need via physical toil. It can also let a character harvest resources from their environment, create an inventory, manage goods, and store them safely 


  The FIRE RING represents a ferocious, direct, and inventive personality. This approach is explosive and intense, as the character works to get results no matter the cost to themselves or others. A character with a high Fire Ring value is likely to be passionate, curious, physically strong, occasionally brusque, and a fast learner.   Depending on the task, characters can use a Fire approach as follows:
  • When making art, a Fire approach allows a character to invent new things by drafting and creating wholly new works, turning raw materials into novel pieces of art. 
  • When studying and learning, a Fire approach lets a character theorize on the subject, creatively and energetically attacking the problem to come up with solutions none have considered before. It allows a character to extrapolate how things might be currently and in the future, connect the dots, and identify absences in an argument, idea, or environment.
  • When communicating, a Fire approach lets a character incite others, engaging with their existing emotions and desires rather than their raw logic. The Fire approach can also be used to induce others to act on those emotions and desires in spite of obvious pitfalls or justified fears.
  • When fighting, a Fire approach relies on a burst of power, speed, or agility to overwhelm a challenge in one fell swoop. Such tactics are aggressive, no-holds-barred displays of force that crush defenses and frighten onlookers. A Fire approach to battle can be observed in the burst of adrenaline to fight or flee, the kiai of an attack move in the martial arts, or the battle cries of a host of Matsu Berserkers.
  • When engaging in a trade, a Fire approach allows a character to innovate so that they can develop new technologies and methods, create new products and services, and obtain resources in new ways.


  The WATER RING represents an adaptable, powerful, and perceptive personality. The approach is balanced and reversible, as the character works to get results without overextending themselves or underperforming. A character with a high Water Ring value is naturally affable, physically flexible, observant, and easygoing.   Depending on the task, characters can use a Water approach as follows:
  • When making art, a Water approach helps a character adapt a work—making works function in new ways by transforming them, translating works of literature and art into other languages or media, and reducing works to their component parts to serve as raw materials for a new piece.
  • When studying and learning, a Water approach allows a character to survey their surroundings, giving them character information about their environment and wider circumstances. It can be used to identify things within an area of expertise, detect broad trends and currents, or find out how things work in a practical sense.
  • When communicating, a Water approach helps a character charm others, gregariously building a rapport with them. It allows a character to instill desires and emotions in others, uncover the existing desires of others, and win people’s sympathy.
  • When fighting, a Water approach lets the character shift to make the circumstances and surroundings work for them. It seeks the path of least resistance for greatest efficacy. Those taking a Water approach in battle seek to redirect incoming energy rather than expending energy of their own.
  • When engaging in a trade, a Water approach allows a character to exchange resources or labour of one type for another. This helps the character acquire items and services efficiently and at a low cost.


  The VOID RING represents a centered, unflinching personality; it can also represent the "flow state." By letting go of the suffering inherent in one’s ego-driven desires, the samurai can transcend earthly limitations. It is the enlightened approach, accepting the nature of all of the elements at once, yet allowing no one element to dominate. A character with a high Void Ring value is likely to be spiritually sensitive, wise, and introspective.   Depending on the task, characters can use a Void approach as follows:
  • When making art, a Void approach enables a character to attune themselves to a work, understand the purpose of a work, know why the work has appeared before them, and sense the work’s supernatural qualities, if it has any.
  • When studying and learning, a Void approach allows a character to sense disturbances in their surroundings that would be imperceptible to most. This represents a character’s “sixth sense,” giving them hunches about supernatural phenomena and even future events.
  • When communicating, a Void approach lets a character enlighten others, challenging their core beliefs, causing them to reassess their decisions and actions. It can be used to get others to reconsider desires or break free from powerful emotional states or mystical manipulation.
  • When fighting, a Void approach enables a character to sacrifice their defenses, safety, or even intentionally suffer physical harm to accomplish their goals. The character moves instinctively, in tune with the rhythm of the cosmos. Without direction by any conscious thought, they do what is necessary for success, no matter the cost. 
  • When engaging in trade, a Void approach allows a character to subsist, living in harmony with their environment and finding ways to make the most out of very little without disturbing their surroundings.

Articles under The Five Rings and You