Unicorn Clan Families

The Ide Family

  Ring Increase: +1 Earth or +1 Water   Skills: Commerce, Courtesy
The Ide tirelessly serve as diplomats, couriers, and merchants across Kiga. While they are Unicorn through and through, the Ide have learned to blend their foreign customs with the traditions of the Empire to better treat with their cousins. The Ide work to radiate calm and competence, seeking to build alliances and friendships throughout the Empire.

The Iuchi Family

  Ring Increase: +1 Air or +1 Void   Skills: Meditation, Theology
The Iuchi are a priestly family, whose practices stretch back to the time before the Unicorn returned to Kiga. Iuchi shugenja practice a unique form of sorcery known as meishōdō, the art of using talismans and names to manipulate the spirits. Their history makes them more open to exploring different mystical paths than are those bound by centuries of tradition.

The Moto Family

  Ring Increase: +1 Earth or +1 Fire   Skills: Command, Survival
The Moto are considered to be the least civilized of the Unicorn families by the standards of the Empire. From their stocky builds and the heavy beards of their men, to their style of dress, the Moto seem foreign and strange to Kigani samurai. Indeed, the Moto have no use for the soft trappings of what some call civilization; they are nomadic warriors seeking the next battle, and they embrace that harsh life. While their heritage and culture are often questioned in Kiga, their bravery is not.

The Shinjo Family

  Ring Increase: +1 Fire or +1 Water   Skills: Sentiment, Survival
The Shinjo are the core of the Unicorn, the clan of explorers who followed their Kami, Shinjo, into the dangerous world beyond the Empire. This love of discovery has not left the Shinjo, and they travel widely when they can. They administrate and lead the Unicorn, working to keep all of the parts of the clan yoked together. Master equestrians and scouts, the Shinjo pursue peace, but never flinch from the prospect of war.

The Utaku Family

  Ring Increase: +1 Earth or +1 Fire   Skills: Survival, Tactics
No other Unicorn family has so deeply and spiritually embraced Bushidō as the Utaku, who embody it in their elite Battle Maidens, the Shiotome. The matriarchal Utaku allow only their women to ride to war; the Utaku men serve afoot as infantry and in the stables and households, making them unusual among their own clan. There is no finer heavy cavalry in the Empire than the Battle Maidens, and no finer equerries than Utaku men.
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