Lashan Valchek vas Koros

The culprit behind the scarecrow problem at the Rusty Bucket Farm seems to be a robed woman taking shelter near an abandoned farmhouse about an hour's walk past Rusty Bucket Farm. She bears the tattoos of a Reivan elder on one arm, and the other arm appears to be made of (or covered by) a gold-colored metal.   The robed figure turned out to be a Simulacrum of a powerful Reivan wizard named Lashan Valchek vas Koros. It had been sent to the area to conduct research and experiments on what could be accomplished with flesh, and promised that she would leave the area and end this activity now that the evidence of her work had been destroyed.   Lashan claims to have been away from the ashlands for at least decades. She has not clearly stated the reason for exodus, except that she did not "agree with what they were doing." It is unclear what she disagreed with, if it led to an exile or voluntary departure, or if she left on peaceful or hostile terms. At some point, she created clones of herself throughout the world, to ensure her revival in the event of her death. She was supposed to revive in one of the bodies in the event of her death. In an unanticipated error, she instead awoke in all of them. This led to a war between the clones, each vying to be the true and sole inheritor of the identity of Lashan Valchek vas Koros. It is unknown if there is only a single remaining clone, or if there may be others, but the one encountered by the party does use Simulacrums of herself to extend her reach.   Lashan seeks an artifact known as the Stone of Secrets, and has tasked the party with retrieving it for her in exchange for information.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

1400 - 1432 AT - Mysterious Past

  Lashan Valchek vas Koros was a skilled wizard hailing from the Reivan Wastes, a harsh and unforgiving land where few could survive. It is unknown exactly when born but is assumed to be around the year 1400 AT, and not much is known about her early life as Reivans keep only an oral history with no written records. At some point in her life, Lashan left the Reivan Wastes, venturing out into the wider world. First mention of her arriving in the land of Sintria is in the year 1432 AT. It was a strange and unfamiliar place to her. But Lashan was determined to make a name for herself.  

1432 AT - Arrival in Sintria

  Lashan Valchek vas Koros arrived in the nation of Sintria with little more than the clothes on her back and the skills she had learned in the Reivan Wastes. She was a stranger in a strange land, but she was determined to make a name for herself.   At first, Lashan struggled to find her place in Sintria. She was an outsider, with no connections or allies, and she was forced to take on whatever work she could find to survive. Whatever situations she found herself in still paled in comparison to the terrors that lie in the Reivan Wastes. As she proved herself to be a skilled and ruthless adventurer, she began to gain a reputation in the land.   However, public knowledge of Lashan's past was incomplete and inconsistent. She had left the Reivan Wastes for reasons unknown and many of the details of her life before Sintria were shrouded in mystery. Some said that she was a necromancer, using dark magic to raise the dead and do her bidding. Others whispered that she was simply too ambitious, willing to do whatever it took to achieve her goals.  

1432 - 1439 AT - Adventurer for Hire

  Lashan's lack of scruples and willingness to do whatever it took to succeed quickly gained her a reputation as one of the most effective adventurers in Sintria. She was feared and reviled by many, but she cared little for the opinions of others. All that mattered to Lashan was achieving her goals, and she was willing to do whatever it took to do so. As word of her skills and willingness to take on difficult jobs spread, Lashan began to earn a reputation as a reliable and effective hire. She was paid well for her services, and she used this gold to acquire powerful magical artifacts and hire powerful mercenaries to fight alongside her. Rumors spread about Lashan's use of necromancy, a forbidden art that allowed her to raise the dead and command them as her servants. But Lashan never confirmed or denied these rumors. She remained a mysterious and enigmatic figure, and she used her reputation to her advantage. She was feared and respected by many, and she rose to become one of the most well-known adventurers in Sintria. She was no longer a dweller of a Reivan Wastes, but a force to be reckoned with in Sintria. Despite the dangers and the whispers, Lashan was sought after by those who needed her skills. The gold piled up and her power grew. Around this time she had been heard to say she knew that she had made the right decision to leave the Reivan Wastes behind.  

1440 - 1448 AT - Lashan the Advisor

  Lashan gained some acclaim as an advisor to many of the local lords of Sintria. She was a powerful and skilled necromancer, and she was able to use her dark magic to gain influence and control over the lords. She was cunning and manipulative, and she was able to use her powers to subtly persuade the lords to do her bidding. As a result of her success, Lashan's name appears in a few different books as an advisor to the to various lords around this period. She was known for her cunning and her ability to manipulate those around her, and she was feared and respected by many. She was a powerful and dangerous foe, and she was not to be underestimated.  

1449 - 1460 AT - Forming The Dustcloaks

  As Lashan's reputation grew, she found it increasingly difficult to operate in secret, as the attention around her made it harder for her to manipulate events to her advantage.   So Lashan decided to create a secret cabal of mages who would be loyal to her and follow her orders without question. She called this cabal The Dustcloaks, and she carefully selected its members from among the most ambitious and ruthless of Sintria's mages.   In exchange for their loyalty, Lashan taught The Dustcloaks the forbidden art of necromancy, a powerful and dangerous form of magic that could be used to raise the dead and control their actions. This knowledge made The Dustcloaks incredibly powerful. She used them as her network of agents, placing them in positions of power as advisors to the local lords of Sintria.   The Dustcloaks were loyal only to Lashan, and she used them to exert her influence over the lords of Sintria. She taught them how to manipulate and deceive, and they quickly became her most trusted allies.   But despite the power of The Dustcloaks, Lashan knew that she could not trust anyone completely. She was always on guard, watching for any sign of betrayal. She was a ruthless and cunning woman, and she would stop at nothing to maintain her position of power.   The Dustcloaks served as Lashan's eyes and ears, and she used them to maintain her grip on the lords of Sintria. All that mattered to Lashan at this point was power, and she was willing to do whatever it took to hold onto it.

1461 AT - Lana discovers Dustcloaks

  Lana Silverhair began to investigate Lashan's activities in the nation of Sintria. She knew that Lashan was a dangerous and ruthless woman, and she was determined to uncover her secrets. As she delved deeper into Lashan's past, Lana discovered a sinister conspiracy. Lashan had been using her network of loyal advisors, The Dustcloaks, to manipulate the lords of Sintria. She had been using her knowledge of the land and her connections to the local lords to exert her influence over the nation, and she had been using The Dustcloaks to ensure that her will was carried out. Lana was horrified by the extent of Lashan's power and influence, and she knew that she had to act. She gathered her eight sisters, an adventuring company known as The Nine, and set out to confront Lashan and bring her to justice.  

1462 AT - Lana thwarts Lashan, but Lashan gets away.

  Lana ‘Silverhair’ Barrentide and her sisters, a group of adventurers known as The Nine, were determined to stop Lashan Valchek vas Koros.   When The Nine confronted Lashan, they knew that they were in for a difficult battle. But they were determined to stop Lashan, no matter what the cost. They fought bravely, using their magic to combat Lashan and her network of mages, The Dustcloaks.   As the battle raged on, Lana saw an opportunity to strike a blow against Lashan. She focused her magic, drawing on all of her strength and skill, and unleashed a powerful blast of energy at Lashan.   The blast hit Lashan square in the chest, knocking her to the ground, but Lana was not satisfied. She knew that Lashan was dangerous and ruthless, and she would stop at nothing to maintain her power. And so, Lana focused her magic once again, and directed a second blast at Lashan's hand. The blast hit Lashan's hand with devastating force, destroying it in an instant. But Lashan was not defeated, and she quickly regained her composure and unleashed a devastating attack of her own. Lana and her sisters were left wounded and battered on the ground.   In the end, The Nine emerged victorious. They had defeated The Dustcloaks had brought them to justice, but Lashan managed to escape. Lana was devastated and still saw this as her failure, and she vowed to continue the fight.

1462 - 1467 AT - Lashan creates the hand and creates clones.

  After her defeat at the hands of Lana Silverhair and The Nine, Lashan Valchek vas Koros knew that her time was running out. She was skilled and ruthless, but even she could not escape death forever. Faced with the prospect of her own mortality, Lashan went into hiding. It is thought that during this time she used her knowledge of necromancy, to develop contingency plans for her own death. She also quickly set about creating a new hand to replace the one she had lost. Her new hand was forged of with sharp, pointed fingers. It's said to be magical in nature, imbued with magic that gave it tremendous strength and power. The hand was capable of gripping objects with incredible force, and its sharp fingers could pierce even the strongest armor. Some even claim to have seen Lashan point at people with the hand only to see them die and rise again. She would go to crush her opponents with ease, and she reveled in the fear and terror that her new hand inspired in those who saw it. Using her necrotic magic, Lashan also created inert clones of herself. These clones were identical to Lashan in every way, including the powerful, magical hand that she had created. When her own body finally gave out it's theorized that her soul would enter one of the clones, and she would continue to live on.   One of the most interesting aspects of Lashan's clones was that they did not age in the same way people did. Her clones remained frozen in time, always appearing to be younger than Lashan herself. And so, Lashan waited for a time in the shadows, biding her time and preparing. Even in death, she would continue to fight, determined to reclaim her power over Sintria.  

1467 - 1468 AT - Lashan reforms The Dustcloaks, feels more brazen

  Lashan was no longer be content to simply wait in the shadows. She knew that she needed allies and supporters in order to rise to power once again, and so she set out to reform The Dustcloaks. Lashan began to feel immortal. She knew that even if she were to be defeated, her soul would simply move on to one of her clones, and she would continue to live on. This gave her a sense of invincibility, and she was more bold and daring in her efforts to rise to power in the land of Sintria. For Lashan, death was just another obstacle to be overcome. She reformed The Dustcloaks, but this time, she was no longer content to simply use The Dustcloaks as advisors. She wanted them to be ruthless lords, who would listen only to her and carry out her will. And so, Lashan set out to turn The Dustcloaks into powerful and ruthless rulers. She used her knowledge of magic and her connections to the local lords to gain power and influence, and she worked tirelessly to shape The Dustcloaks into the perfect instruments of her will.

1468 - 1469 AT - Duscloaks rise again, attract The Nine's attention.

  As The Dustcloaks rose to power, they began to oppress the people of Sintria. They were ruthless and cruel, and they cared only for their own power and wealth. They imposed harsh taxes on the people, and they used their magic to keep the population in line. The people of Sintria were suffering, and they knew that something had to be done. But they were afraid of their rulers, and they did not know how to stand up to them. They were trapped in a cycle of oppression, and they could see no way out. The reemergence of The Dustcloaks caught the attention of Lana Silverhair and The Nine. They had thought that they had defeated The Dustcloaks once and for all, but now they were back and more powerful than ever. The Nine knew that they had to strike at the heart of the problem, and deal with Lashan herself if they were to truly protect Arenia from her evil. Lana and her sisters knew that they would have to face The Dustcloaks and Lashan again, and they prepared for another battle. With renewed determination, they set out once again, ready to stop Lashan and her dark magic once and for all.  

1471 AT - Lashan and The Nine fight again. Lashan kills 3 sisters, makes undead sister fight.

  The battle between Lashan and The Nine was fierce and intense. The Nine were brave and determined, and they were not afraid to face Lashan and her Dustcloaks in battle. Lashan was determined to defeat Lana and her sisters. She unleashed powerful blasts of both fire and lightning, incinerating and electrocuting her enemies. Anastra and Alassra, two of Lana's sisters, were unable to defend themselves against Lashan's powerful magic, and they were killed. During a fierce battle between Lashan and The Nine, Lashan was able to kill Sylune, the youngest of Lana's sisters. She used her metal hand to tear into Sylune's stomach, causing a devastating and fatal injury. After killing Sylune, Lashan used her powerful necromancy to raise her from the dead. She forced Sylune to fight for her, and she used her undead minion to try and defeat Lana and her sisters. Lana was overcome with grief as she faced her undead sister in battle. She was almost unable to bring herself to fight and defeat Sylune, but she knew that she had no choice. She was forced to use her magic to destroy Sylune's undead body, and she was filled with sadness and grief as she did so.  

1471 AT - Lashan and The Nine fight again. Lashan Wars Begin.

  When The Nine finally faced Lashan, they were determined to defeat her once and for all. They fought bravely and fiercely, using their powerful magic to try and overcome Lashan's dark powers. But Lashan had one final trick up her sleeve. She had created clones of herself to continue living after death. When she died in battle all of the clones awakened at once. The Nine were faced with 13 copies of Lashan. The clones were confused and disoriented by the situation, but they were still powerful and dangerous, and all of them freshly awakened and eager to fight. The Lashan Wars had begun.  

1471 AT - Lashan and The Nine fight again. Lots of sisters die.

  The battle was intense and chaotic, as The Nine fought against 13 copies of Lashan. Each sister fought with all her might, using her unique skills and abilities to try and defeat the Lashan clones. Dove used her healing magic to keep her sisters alive and to protect them from Lashan's dark powers. Alustriel used her intelligence and cunning to outsmart the Lashan clones, using her magic to outmaneuver them. Storm used her chaotic magic to unleash powerful blasts of fire and lightning, causing destruction and chaos wherever she went. Kalyssa was the most headstrong of The Nine, and she fought with reckless abandon, using her magic to strike down many of the Lashan clones. Faluun was a formidable opponent, using her magic to shield herself and her sisters from Lashan's attacks. In the midst of the battle, Dove, the most compassionate and nurturing of Lana Silverhair's sisters, fell to a powerful attack from one of the clones. Despite the best efforts of her sisters to save her, Dove died tragically, her life snuffed out in an instant. Kalyssa fought bravely and fiercely, taking on the clones one by one and using her magic to strike them down. She killed three of the clones before she was eventually being overwhelmed by the sheer number of foes she was facing. Despite her best efforts, Kalyssa was eventually surrounded and attacked, her magic unable to protect her from the assault. The clones attacked Kalyssa relentlessly, their dark magic tearing through her defenses and causing her great pain. She tried to fight back, but the pain was too much, and she fell to the ground, unable to continue the battle. The rest of The Nine watched in horror as Kalyssa and Dove were killed by the clones, their hearts breaking at the loss of their sisters. They were devastated by their deaths, and they vowed to avenge them and make the clones that had escaped the battle pay for what they had done. In the end, The Nine, though now only four, were hailed as heroes, their names remembered for all time as the greatest defenders of Arenia. They had faced unimaginable dangers and emerged victorious. And though they mourned the loss of their sisters, they knew that their sacrifice would never be forgotten, and that their memory would live on in the hearts of all who knew them.  

1479 AT - Lashan's trap in Covelho. Two more of The Nine fall.

  Alustriel was the most intelligent and quick-thinking of Lana's sisters, and she was also the most devoted to upholding the principles of justice. She was always thinking ahead, and she was always coming up with clever plans and strategies to bring about a just outcome. She was a powerful and skilled magician, and she was always one step ahead of her opponents. Storm was the most impulsive and unpredictable of Lana's sisters. She was always ready for a fight, and she was eager to test her mettle against any opponent. She was a powerful and skilled warrior, but her reckless nature sometimes got her into trouble. Despite their differences, Alustriel and Storm were inseparable members of The Nine, and they had faced countless dangers and challenges together. They were the heart and soul of the group, and their bravery and determination had saved the day on countless occasions. One day, The Nine received a desperate plea for help from the small village of Covelho that was being terrorized by an evil necromancer named Lashan Valchek vas Koros. Lashan was a powerful and ruthless magician who had mastered the dark arts of necromancy. The villagers claimed that Lashan was using an army of undead monsters to terrorize the countryside, and they begged The Nine to stop her. Without hesitation, The Nine set out to face Lashan and put an end to her reign of terror. They knew that it would be a dangerous and difficult mission, but they were determined to see it through to the end. As they approached the village, Alustriel and Storm took the lead. But as they entered the village, they were met with a surprise attack. Lashan had been waiting for them, and she had set a trap. Using her dark magic, Lashan summoned a horde of undead monsters to attack The Nine. Alustriel and Storm fought bravely, but they were outnumbered and outmatched. Despite their best efforts, they were unable to fend off Lashan's assault. In the end, they fell to the ground, their bodies battered and broken. As Lana and the rest of The Nine watched in horror, Lashan laughed with cruel glee, relishing in her victory. She had lured The Nine into a trap and killed two of their members, and there was nothing they could do to stop her. As they mourned the loss of Alustriel and Storm, Lana and the rest of The Nine vowed to honor their memory by continuing the fight against evil wherever it might rear its head. And they knew that, even in death, Alustriel and Storm would be with them, their spirits watching over them as they fought to restore justice to the land.  

1472 - 1480 AT - Lana and The Nine hunt clones, more sisters die. Duskcloaks fall. Lashan Wars battles ensue.

  The Lashan Wars were a dark time in the history of Arenia. It all began when Lana Silverhair and The Nine, a group of powerful wizard adventurers, went up against the necromancer Lashan Valchek vas Koros. In this epic battle, Lashan was killed, but not before she was able to create 13 clones of herself which came to life after her death. The Nine were able to kill 6 of the clones, but the remaining 7 escaped and went into hiding. The Lashan Wars lasted for 8 long years, during which much of the Arenia lived in worry of being caught in the clones' battles. But during the Lashan Wars, when many clones of Lashan were created and began to roam the land, The Dustcloaks slowly began to fall out of power and influence. This was because they no longer had a single leader to guide them and give them orders. Instead, each of the Lashan clones attempted to use The Dustcloaks to gain power for themselves, giving conflicting orders and creating confusion among the ranks. As a result, The Dustcloaks became less and less effective as a force for evil. They were no longer able to control the people of Sintria as easily, and their power and influence began to wane. The people of Sintria, who had once lived in fear of The Dustcloaks, began to rise up against them, no longer willing to be ruled by their dark magic. The remaining clones continued to emerge from time to time, engaging in battle with each other whenever they found another clone. These epic and fierce battles were quick and decisive, and they were always filled with destruction and death. Many innocent people were caught in the crossfire of these magical battles, and they were killed or injured in the chaos. The people of all Arenia were fearful of the Lashan clones, never knowing when or where they would strike next. The Lashan Wars were a difficult and dangerous time for The Nine, as they struggled to stop the Lashan clones from wreaking havoc across the land of Arenia. Despite their best efforts, The Nine found it difficult to track down and defeat the clones, who were always one step ahead of them and seemed to be able to anticipate their every move. The clones were incredibly powerful and only grew stronger as their numbers dwindled, each one possessing the dark magic of Lashan herself. Many encounters occurred over these years and while all were destructive but few were fatal for either side. The Nine were powerful, but they found it difficult to fight against the Lashan clones and progress in eliminating them was very slow.  

1480 AT - Lana kills the last Lashan clone.

  In the final battle between Lana Silverhair and Lashan, the two women used their powerful magic to attack each other. Lana summoned powerful blasts of silver fire and ice, using her magic to scorch the earth and freeze Lashan and her minions. Lashan, on the other hand, used her dark magic to summon the dead, raising them from their graves to do her bidding and using their might to attack Lana. She was a master of the forbidden art of necromancy, and she used her dark magic to try and destroy Lana once and for all. The two women fought fiercely, their magic tearing through the air and shattering the ground beneath their feet. Buildings collapsed, trees were felled, and the land was scarred by the incredible power of their magic. Just when it seemed that all hope was lost, Lana's sister, Faluun entered the battle. She was a powerful and skilled warrior, and her arrival gave Lana the opening she needed to turn the tide of the battle. Despite her best efforts, Faluun was gravely crippled by Lashan's powerful magic. However, her arrival was enough to distract Lashan and give Lana the opportunity she needed to strike. With a burst of energy, Lana summoned all of her remaining strength and launched a powerful magical attack that caught Lashan off guard. The attack hit its mark, and Lana was able to defeat the final Lashan clone, using her magic to strike her down and end her reign of terror once and for all. Despite the victory, the battle was not without its costs. Faluun had been gravely injured and left severely crippled by Lashan's powerful magic, left to live with the physical and emotional scars of her defeat. The Lashan Wars are remembered as a dark time in Arenia's history, a time when the power of magic was used for destruction and chaos. But through the bravery and determination of Lana Silverhair and The Nine, Arenia was saved from the threat of Lashan and her clones.


Lashan Valchek vas Koros


Towards Lana ‘Silverhair’ Barrentide


Lana ‘Silverhair’ Barrentide


Towards Lashan Valchek vas Koros



Lana is responsible for the loss of Lashan's hand and the defeat of her Dustcloaks. Lashan later killed Lana's sisters, Storm and Alustriel, in retaliation.

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