Michael's Report, 2022-06-26

General Summary

In the aftermath of the fight against the Gilded Grim, the party gathered for rest and drinks at Felzoun's Folly. Meanwhile, Xev's familiar followed Ezra, the captain of the defeated thugs, to the Sunset Gate on the west of the city. He waited there to meet in private with one of the City Watch guards, who told him not to worry, because the Grim take care of their own - shortly before she attempted to stab Ezra in the back. Ezra escaped, but was apprehended by the City Watch while he fled.   Overnight, Vathash went alone to the farmlands to observe the scarecrows overnight. He saw two come to life, kill a cow, and drag them to another abandoned farm. There, they were cut up, or perhaps dissected, by a robed figure with a golden, metallic hand, and the markings of a Reivan Elder. Vathash chose not to confront the Elder alone.   The next morning, the party was visited by Jackie de Mowbray at the Friendly Ghost. He gave us an exposé accusing an unnamed noble family of devil worship, a story obviously invented by himself, and asked us to anonymously deliver it to the Brightridge Record. We agreed to do this, and Anthea altered the document with a final line that could be taken to imply that the family in question is the Firelight family.   Savra Drake also asked us to speak to the Brightridge Record to investigate their stories about the alleged return of an infamous thief, the Obsidian Viper, so we went to the Record to plant the story in his office. We also asked him about the Obsidian Viper, but calling his information 'sketchy' would be generous.   Finally, the party returned to the Friendly Ghost in the afternoon to study our map of the sewer. We didn't find any locations of interest, but did note that the map does not show the closet where we previously found the entrance to the mind flayer's sanctum.

Rewards Granted

  • 60 gp
  • Wand of Magic Detection (given to Xev)
  • Bag of Useful Things (given to Lyra Dune)
  • Character(s) interacted with


    World date: Ship Day, 17th of Flame, 1493, night

  • Ezra hanging out in an alley near the Sunset Gate (west gate), watching the guards discreetly
  • Stopped at Felzoun's Folly for rest and drinks
  • While eating, saw Ezra talk to one of the guards when the other left
  • Guard: Early 40's Human woman, black and silver mohawk, slightly darker skin
  • Overheard conversation
  • You gotta help me, we were running this protection racket and we got our asses kicked
  • Guard says it's alright, relax, we'll take care of it, "The Grim take care of our own"
  • Guard attempted to kill Ezra while they walked through the alleys
  • Xev warned Ezra of the attack, and he managed to flee before he was apprehended
  • Vathash headed out to the Rusty Bucket Farm, which has the scarecrow problem
  • At about 3 in the morning, 1 scarecrow starts moving
  • Wooden claw emerges from the hand and kills a cow
  • Another scarecrow comes to life and helps the other drag it to a wooded area
  • Vathash follows to the ruins of an older farmhouse
  • Perhaps 100 year old stone farmhouse, overgrown with trees
  • Tent off to the side
  • Hooded figure in the tent came out to carve up pieces of meat
  • 1 hand made of gold metal (pointy fingers)
  • Other arm has the tattoo of a Reivan elder
  • Carefully carving off specific pieces of the meat
  • Farmer is about 90 years old
  • World date: Tide Day, 18th of Flame, 1493, morning

  • Vathash met up with the party at 8AM at the Friendly Ghost
  • Knock at the tavern door
  • Flamboyant person
  • Turns out to be Jackie de Mowbray
  • "Are you enterprising individuals looking for work around town?"
  • Wants us to steal a handkerchief from a noble, for a reward of 10gp
  • Wash got 5gp for sleight-of-hand passing off discarded napkin as one she had stolen before
  • Wash returned a ring she had stolen from Jackie
  • While talking, Xev sent out his imp and stole a noble's handkerchief
  • Actual work he's looking to give
  • Deliver expose to Lothel Bonerock of the Brightridge Record
  • Doesn't want him to know who wrote it, or where it came from
  • Office is in the North Ward
  • Exposing an unnamed noble family of devil worship
  • It seems that Jackie has invented this rumour himself
  • Lyra added a comment to the end about a family "taining their light with darkness"
  • 10:00 AM
  • Returned the money from the Grim to Savra Drake
  • Reward
  • Wand of Magic Detection (to Xev)
  • Bag of Useful Things (to Lyra)
  • 60 gp (as agreed)
  • New Quest
  • The Obsidian Viper appears to have returned to the city
  • Was presumed to have retired or died
  • Has been known to rob noble estates
  • No one knows her identity because she always wears a mask
  • Report of her coming back has appeared in the Brightridge Record
  • Asked us to speak to Lothel at the Record to find out what he knows
  • 30gp reward
  • Vathash noted
  • 10:30 AM
  • Xev sent imp to Ulric at the Orphanage
  • Failed to convince him that the Friendly Ghost was a safe
  • Brightridge Record office in the North Ward
  • Lothel Bonerock: Gnome
  • Refused to name his source about the Obsidian Viper
  • Has reason to believe it's the secret evil twin sister of Misty Firelight - but this seems to be more of a rumour mill
  • Claims he knows the real Misty Firelight, and she isn't a graceful person like a thief
  • Misty and her husband are also strong spellcasters
  • Claims the Viper dresses all in black, robes with red trim, with a fencing sword
  • Asked about the disappearance of Elmo Firelight
  • He doesn't know much, just says he heard he was kidnapped
  • Lyra tried to discreetly place the expose (with a distraction by Xev),
  • Questions about
  • 3 sp each per chicken
  • 50 gp to build a chicken coop
  • At the orphanage to hire some kids to scavenge for reagents
  • Kat, Jinks, and Squid
  • Kat - 10 year old, tall, lanky Human, deaf
  • Jinks - 9 year old Tiefling, does most of the talking
  • Squid - 9 years old, chubby, darker skinned human boy
  • On way back to the Shade Ward
  • Peasants dressed in black carrying a casket, processing heading west from the Copper Ward
  • Woman sobbing at the end of the line, someone heard her sobbing about Trevor
  • Vathash went to the smith to do some work after leaving the
  • 1 PM
  • Met back up at the Friendly Ghost
  • Studied the map of the sewer
  • The closet we found doesn't appear on the map
  • Report Date
    26 Jun 2022
    Primary Location