The Free City of Lostbreak Settlement in Argea | World Anvil
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The Free City of Lostbreak

The Free City of Lostbreak exists on the border between Arkanmere, The Blight, and The Ghorralands. Lostbreak belonged to Arkanmere but chose to secede after a local magistrate embezzled taxed funds and fled to Ferrostone during the Meridian War. The feudal lord with responsibility for the town, Lord Gerris Three-Bear, sought an alliance with House Grange of Cinderscar before choosing to take his lands and form a free city. King Arkan, concerned with the Meridian War, allowed Lord Three-Bear's gamble to succeed. But the Lord of Lostbreak did not escape without punishment. He is forbidden from entering Arkanmere, punishable by death.   Lostbreak is a picturesque mountain town well-known in the region for its dairy and chocolate. Its half-timbered homes contrast beautifully with the deep green of the surrounding forest and the jagged peaks of the Rakes. It is equally well-known for its large population of ghorans, tengu, and--most surprisingly--kashrishi.


Ancestry %
Catfolk 25
Halfling 23
Tengu 14
Ghoran 12
Kashrishi 6
Other 20


Lostbreak is ostensibly ruled by a family, but given the patriarch's unwillingness--or inability--to find a spouse, it means Lostbreak is ruled by a single individual: Lord Gerris Three-Bear.


  • Milkside: the northeastern district of Lostbreak, named for the extensive pastures of cows, sheep, goats, bison, and mammoths that stretch between it and the mountainside two miles distant. Here one can find stables, barns, and shepherd cottages. The buildings in Milkside are less ornate than those found in the Artisan District or Riverview, but a half-dozen buildings are painted with stories of Argean legend.
  • Riverview (Storytown): the western district, named for its stunning panoramic view of the headwaters of Avonmore Run. This upscale neighborhood boasts bourgeois homes featuring stories painted in vivid color along their walls. Some know this area as Storytown.
  • Artisan District: this central district is legendary for its artisan chocolates, bread, and cheeses. The town's most popular destination, The King's Pantry, is found here.
  • Harbrook: the western workers district of town. Harbrook is where Lostbreak's low- and middle-income families reside.
  • Lord's Garden: a hunting green reserved for the use of Lord Three-Bears and his noble guests.
  • Breadgarden: a commoner's garden named after the sweet smell of pastries and bread that fill its verdant patch of woods.

Guilds and Factions

  • The King's Pantry: a devout food pilgrim's destination. The Highmantle family of halflings has operated the King's Pantry since 801 YGP when the town was founded by Perxidor Bellandry. While all of its products are exquisite, most visitors make regular pilgrimages to Lostbreak for the raspberry-and-chocolate Bellandry éclairs, which often sell out within minutes of the Pantry's opening.


Half-timbered homes decorated ornately with detailed stories of Argean mythology.


Mountainous, heavily forested.


Cool summers, freezing winters.

Natural Resources

Freshwater, pines, spruces, firs, maple, syrup.
Founding Date
801 YGP
Alternative Name(s)
Large town
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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